Electronics Expos


Donald J. Bartley

I have been searching the web looking for any events for electronics
hobbyists. A show/expo that showcases the latest in gadets for
robotics, electronics, stamp modules, microcontrollers, acceossies,
etc. Does anybody know of any such shows/expos or where to go on the
web to find this information.

I'm not familiar with expos of this type, but you might enjoy hamfests,
which are basically swap meets for ham radio enthusiasts. www.arrl.org has
a list of them.

"Donald J. Bartley" <djbcoffee@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
I have been searching the web looking for any events for electronics
hobbyists. A show/expo that showcases the latest in gadets for
robotics, electronics, stamp modules, microcontrollers, acceossies,
etc. Does anybody know of any such shows/expos or where to go on the
web to find this information.

I have been searching the web
looking for any events for electronics hobbyists.
Donald J. Bartley
Your local computer users group, high school shop class, community college, etc.
likely has some nerds who know all the hot spots.
Covington's ARRL hint was right on.

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