Electronic Transistor Ignition

  • Thread starter Jack Jet Williams
  • Start date

Jack Jet Williams

Would someone please show me a simple diagram of how to use a
transistor to fire the ignition coils on a 750 Honda motorcycle - I
just want to have the breaker points switch the transistor to fire the
coils so the points do not burn/wear out so fast.


Jack Jet Williams
On 30 Nov 2003 20:38:30 -0800, jackjet@gte.net (Jack Jet Williams)

Would someone please show me a simple diagram of how to use a
transistor to fire the ignition coils on a 750 Honda motorcycle - I
just want to have the breaker points switch the transistor to fire the
coils so the points do not burn/wear out so fast.


Jack Jet Williams
Try this link: www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/TransIgn.pdf

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default <R75/5@defaulter.net> wrote in message news:<20rnsvck3udptnes24q0nt1i9imjb3v39l@4ax.com>...
On 30 Nov 2003 20:38:30 -0800, jackjet@gte.net (Jack Jet Williams)

Would someone please show me a simple diagram of how to use a
transistor to fire the ignition coils on a 750 Honda motorcycle - I
just want to have the breaker points switch the transistor to fire the
coils so the points do not burn/wear out so fast.


Jack Jet Williams
Try this link: www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/TransIgn.pdf

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This is JUST what I needed to see.

Thanks again>>>>>>>>>!!!

Jack Jet Williams
On 5 Dec 2003 00:23:11 -0800, jackjet@gte.net (Jack Jet Williams)

default <R75/5@defaulter.net> wrote in message news:<20rnsvck3udptnes24q0nt1i9imjb3v39l@4ax.com>...
On 30 Nov 2003 20:38:30 -0800, jackjet@gte.net (Jack Jet Williams)

Would someone please show me a simple diagram of how to use a
transistor to fire the ignition coils on a 750 Honda motorcycle - I
just want to have the breaker points switch the transistor to fire the
coils so the points do not burn/wear out so fast.


Jack Jet Williams
Try this link: www.cs.berkeley.edu/~wkahan/TransIgn.pdf

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This is JUST what I needed to see.

Thanks again>>>>>>>>>!!!

Jack Jet Williams
I figured it would be perfect.

You want to make sure you use a choke with at least the 10-15 ohms of
resistance specified (one with a lower resistance may effect how the
transistor turns on).

That is a germanium transistor specified. They can still be found.
Use a silicon part and you may need to tweak the design some.

What year 750? I'm riding an '81.

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