Electrolytic caps in series


Rheilly Phoull

G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing resistors
when using electros in series ??

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull
"Rheilly Phoull"
G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing
when using electros in series ??

** Forget it - just use caps that have a large margin in excess of the
needed voltage.

Eg - two 350 volt types applied to a 500 volt supply.

The caps will very soon reach a mutual, acceptable agreement on what
precise voltage suits their individual taste !!

............... Phil
One day Phil Allison got dressed and committed to text

"Rheilly Phoull"
G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing
when using electros in series ??

** Forget it - just use caps that have a large margin in excess
of the needed voltage.

Eg - two 350 volt types applied to a 500 volt supply.

The caps will very soon reach a mutual, acceptable agreement on what
precise voltage suits their individual taste !!

.............. Phil
Thanks Phil

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull
Rheilly Phoull wrote:
G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing resistors
when using electros in series ??

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull

Electros have a fairly wide value tolerance and corresponding
leakage current variation, it's considered good practise to have
a resistor across each capacitor so that a series divider chain
is formed that swamps out the effect of leakage currents. If not
then the individual voltages across the caps can be imbalanced
to the point where the operating voltage of one of the electros
is exceeded: I have seen it happen and the effect does exist.

In Morgan Jones' book "Valve Amplifiers" he has a good description
of what's involved but I've loaned my copy to a friend so I can't
give an exact quote but there was some rule of thumb.

This guy has it:

Mark Harriss
"Mark Harriss"

Rheilly Phoull wrote:
G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing
when using electros in series ??

Electros have a fairly wide value tolerance and corresponding
leakage current variation, it's considered good practise to have
a resistor across each capacitor so that a series divider chain
is formed that swamps out the effect of leakage currents.

** In fact it never does.

If not
then the individual voltages across the caps can be imbalanced
to the point where the operating voltage of one of the electros
is exceeded:

** Utter crap - if the actual max operating voltage is approached, cap
leakage current dramatically increases.

When there is a series pair of similar caps, the current flow MUST be the
same through both caps - so the one with lower leakage immediately takes
up the additional voltage. There is no problem at all as long as there is a
total voltage margin of 30 %.

I have seen it happen and the effect does exist.

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist prick
with zero experience.

........... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Mark Harriss"

Rheilly Phoull wrote:

G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing
when using electros in series ??

Electros have a fairly wide value tolerance and corresponding
leakage current variation, it's considered good practise to have
a resistor across each capacitor so that a series divider chain
is formed that swamps out the effect of leakage currents.

** In fact it never does.

If not
then the individual voltages across the caps can be imbalanced
to the point where the operating voltage of one of the electros
is exceeded:

** Utter crap - if the actual max operating voltage is approached, cap
leakage current dramatically increases.

When there is a series pair of similar caps, the current flow MUST be the
same through both caps - so the one with lower leakage immediately takes
up the additional voltage. There is no problem at all as long as there is a
total voltage margin of 30 %.

I have seen it happen and the effect does exist.

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist prick
with zero experience.

.......... Phil

1. Please note that the localised "Phil Allison Effect" means
that electronics behave completely differently in Phil's
workshop than to the rest of universe.

2. Also note that Phil is in disagreement with most respected
texts on the subject.

3. Also note that taking Phil's advice will cause problems
down the track as the electrolytics age and dry out.
"Mark Harriss"

** Just another anonymous, gutless, neo-fascist, know nothing pile of sub
human crap hiding under a rock somewhere in Brisbane.

Joh would have loved him.

............. Phil
Phil Allison wrote:
"Mark Harriss"

Rheilly Phoull wrote:

G'day All
What are the rules or method to calculate the values of balancing
when using electros in series ??

Electros have a fairly wide value tolerance and corresponding
leakage current variation, it's considered good practise to have
a resistor across each capacitor so that a series divider chain
is formed that swamps out the effect of leakage currents.

** In fact it never does.

If not
then the individual voltages across the caps can be imbalanced
to the point where the operating voltage of one of the electros
is exceeded:

** Utter crap - if the actual max operating voltage is approached, cap
leakage current dramatically increases.
With a resister correctly installed the voltage wont be problematic as
excess is bleed so some smothing effect is evident
When there is a series pair of similar caps, the current flow MUST be the
same through both caps - so the one with lower leakage immediately takes
up the additional voltage. There is no problem at all as long as there is a
total voltage margin of 30 %.

I have seen it happen and the effect does exist.
correct I refer to ARRL 1995 / filtration and bleed resistors (dual
** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist prick
with zero experience.
wrong toaster boy , its std practise on all hv valve tx gear I have
seen the last 35 years , Im certain now you are doing a roddles
misinformation post
.......... Phil

** Utterly incomprehensible & anencephalic with no bright ideas.

.............. Phil
"Phil Allison" <philallison@tpg.com.au> wrote in message

** Utterly incomprehensible & anencephalic with no bright ideas.

............. Phil
Sounds suspiciously like you're describing yourself there Toaster Boi,
except the last part which should read ".....with not even any dull ideas."
Phoul Allison wrote:

** Utterly incomprehensible & anencephalic with no bright ideas.

............. Phil

Inability to raise even the slightest meaningful rebuttal containing
even a smidgen of proof noted .
Phoul Allison wrote:

** Utterly incomprehensible & anencephalic with no bright ideas.

Inability to raise even the slightest meaningful rebuttal containing even
a smidgen of proof noted .

** I supplied a proof for my recommendation - which BTW is based on long
experience of dealing with high voltage elctros.

You simply ignored it.

Piss off.

............. Phil
Phial Allison wrote:

Phoul Allison wrote:


Inability to raise even the slightest meaningful rebuttal containing even
a smidgen of proof noted .
** I supplied a proof for my recommendation - which BTW is based on long
experience of dealing with high voltage elctros.
nothing of any value noted here either , you really must learn to be
truthful or continue to expect honest critism
You simply ignored it.
I read it and made the right decision

Piss off.
Thanks for admiting your wrong toaster boy.

............ Phil
"Uncle-Fester" = another anencephalic prick

** Fuck off - you rote learning moron.

........... Phil
Phil Allison wrote:

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist
prick with zero experience.

Good god, someone has cloned Rod Speed!
keithr wrote:
Phil Allison wrote:

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist
prick with zero experience.

Good god, someone has cloned Rod Speed!
yeah Buddy!, only with Horns!!!
Mark Harriss wrote:
keithr wrote:

Phil Allison wrote:

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld fascist
prick with zero experience.

Good god, someone has cloned Rod Speed!

yeah Buddy!, only with Horns!!!
But very very tiny ones ,( worn off due to abuse)
"Uncle-Fester" = another anencephalic prick

** Fuck off - you rote learning moron.

........... Phil
One day Uncle-Fester got dressed and committed to text

Mark Harriss wrote:
keithr wrote:

Phil Allison wrote:

** Mark Harrarse is a wet behind the ears, 20 year old, Qld
fascist prick with zero experience.

Good god, someone has cloned Rod Speed!

yeah Buddy!, only with Horns!!!
But very very tiny ones ,( worn off due to abuse)
OK, since you guys say you have the real 'gen' (not like Phil) and all the
knowledge, how do ya calculate the values of the resistors ??
Forget all the abuse and denigration, share your superior knowledge with me

Regards ..... Rheilly Phoull

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