Nicholas Bodley
Been wondering about this for several whiles.
I have a couple of 3-speed fans, one big box, one Honeywell Vornado
knockoff in trunnions like the Jodrell Bank dish; latter is very popular,
I'd like to try running them even more slowly than they do at their
slowest, and have thought of a putting an AC-rated cap of plenty of
voltage rating in series, but one thing makes me uneasy -- setting up an
inadvertent series-resonant circuit that would draw fault-level current.
I suspect that the actual inductance varies somewhat with speed (anybody
know?),and of course, I have some older switchmode power-harmonic
generators around, aka power supplies for my old but good 21-inch CRT
monitor and Blue Cone, the eMachines T6532 refurb.
I'd probably want an assortment of very good AC-rated caps, perhaps 1, 2,
and 4 [mu]F ,and if I could find one, an 8 mu. (Btw, no millifarads for
me when I mean microfarads. MF, megafarads, is still in the future (I
think! (A while back, a bus had 160 KF of ultracaps aboard. Loved
Nicabod =+= Waltham, Mass.
I have a couple of 3-speed fans, one big box, one Honeywell Vornado
knockoff in trunnions like the Jodrell Bank dish; latter is very popular,
I'd like to try running them even more slowly than they do at their
slowest, and have thought of a putting an AC-rated cap of plenty of
voltage rating in series, but one thing makes me uneasy -- setting up an
inadvertent series-resonant circuit that would draw fault-level current.
I suspect that the actual inductance varies somewhat with speed (anybody
know?),and of course, I have some older switchmode power-harmonic
generators around, aka power supplies for my old but good 21-inch CRT
monitor and Blue Cone, the eMachines T6532 refurb.
I'd probably want an assortment of very good AC-rated caps, perhaps 1, 2,
and 4 [mu]F ,and if I could find one, an 8 mu. (Btw, no millifarads for
me when I mean microfarads. MF, megafarads, is still in the future (I
think! (A while back, a bus had 160 KF of ultracaps aboard. Loved
Nicabod =+= Waltham, Mass.