Brand new equipment auction website! It is FREE to list, and FREE
registration. You can list for up to 31-day auction and have the item
re-listed automatically if the item does not sell. 1 Picture hosted on
your site (free) or on ours (fee applies). We charge a percentage of
the closing bid, but if your item does not sell, there is no fee
(unless you choose auction extras like picture hosting on our site, or
bold, etc.)!
Buy or Sell!
Check it out today: www.plctrader.com
Click on the sell item button on the left side.
Thank you,
Darren Lyman
registration. You can list for up to 31-day auction and have the item
re-listed automatically if the item does not sell. 1 Picture hosted on
your site (free) or on ours (fee applies). We charge a percentage of
the closing bid, but if your item does not sell, there is no fee
(unless you choose auction extras like picture hosting on our site, or
bold, etc.)!
Buy or Sell!
Check it out today: www.plctrader.com
Click on the sell item button on the left side.
Thank you,
Darren Lyman