Andre Majorel
The prices of heat shrink tubing vary quite a bit but there are
real outliers. For example, Rapid sells two types of 4.8 mm x
1.2 m with similar characteristics (2:1, polyolefin, etc.). The
Shrinktek is at 0.912 GBP, the "RVFM" house-brand at 0.164 GBP.
What corners do they cut to make it five times cheaper than
everyone else ?
André Majorel http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/
J'ai des droits. Les autres ont des devoirs.
real outliers. For example, Rapid sells two types of 4.8 mm x
1.2 m with similar characteristics (2:1, polyolefin, etc.). The
Shrinktek is at 0.912 GBP, the "RVFM" house-brand at 0.164 GBP.
What corners do they cut to make it five times cheaper than
everyone else ?
André Majorel http://www.teaser.fr/~amajorel/
J'ai des droits. Les autres ont des devoirs.