Eizo monitors, good or crap?


Bart Bervoets

Are eizo monitors worth something?
I am offered several pallets of used working 17 inch
multisync monitors.

Bart Bervoets
"Bart Bervoets" <nekobe@online.be> wrote in message news:ct6dneQDN-rv6fndRVn-gw@is.co.za...
Are eizo monitors worth something?
I am offered several pallets of used working 17 inch
multisync monitors.
Eizo's high-end models are some of the best on the consumer
market, but their midrange monitors are nothing special.

"Bart Bervoets" <nekobe@online.be> wrote in message
Are eizo monitors worth something?
I am offered several pallets of used working 17 inch
multisync monitors.
One point - as I've found to my cost - when an Eizo monitor is out of maint.
Eizo scrap all spares for it - there is a final buy for repair shops, and
that is that. If a repair shop doesn;t have what you want, you are lost...
Many parts are custom (incl. chips etc.).

I have a wonderful Eizo F77 21" monitor that has a faulty LOPT, but there is
NO spare available, because as with a lot of parts Eizo (or Nanao in the
USA) use, they are only available from Eizo. A very very expensive monitor
(well over USD 1,000 new) is now scrap.

Sigh ;-(

Great monitors for their time and my 17" monitor is still
available to me as an emergency backup. No problems with mine.
Took the cover off and carefully cleaned out the dust. I noticed
it's construction was very, very solid. Very good graphics, yet
not up to today's monitors higher resolution. I think the Eizo
17" is basically limited to 1280x1024 and is also quite *heavy*.

These would be great for a teaching/training environment if you
could get them all for a reasonable price.

Bart Bervoets wrote:
Are eizo monitors worth something?
I am offered several pallets of used working 17 inch
multisync monitors.

Bart Bervoets
These would be great for a teaching/training environment if you
could get them all for a reasonable price.
Internet cafe in south africa, mainly run office and
I have a few here now, all are out of focus, but a screwdriver took care of
Seems the picture is good, had to turn screen voltage
a bit up as well, but for their purpose they would do.
They ask 25 euro a piece.

Bart Bervoets
How to enter the menu and adjust hor pos on these?

Bart Bervoets
There probably is a web site that you can download an online
manual from. Search for nanao.com or EIZO in google for a link.
Also download a free monitor test pattern program for adjusting
screen convergence, etc. Easy to do yourself. Again, google.com
can help you find one.

Bart Bervoets wrote:
How to enter the menu and adjust hor pos on these?

Bart Bervoets

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