Einstein's Car Battery


Bob Masta

After the recent threads about charging lead-acid batteries,
this might be of interest:


Seems that the reason lead-based batteries put out 2+ volts
per cell is that their outer electrons are whipping around
at 60% of light speed, giving them higher effective mass.
Otherwise, the cells would only put out 0.39 volts.

I'm not making this up!

Best regards,

Bob Masta

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On Wed, 02 Feb 2011 13:33:59 GMT, N0Spam@daqarta.com (Bob
Masta) wrote:

After the recent threads about charging lead-acid batteries,
this might be of interest:


Seems that the reason lead-based batteries put out 2+ volts
per cell is that their outer electrons are whipping around
at 60% of light speed, giving them higher effective mass.
Otherwise, the cells would only put out 0.39 volts.

I'm not making this up!

Best regards,
Hi, Bob. Here's what I posted about that, back on Jan 27th
in sci.electronics.design:

: On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 01:29:49 -0800, I wrote:
: >Thought it might be interesting to some:
: >http://arxiv4.library.cornell.edu/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1008/1008.4872v1.pdf
: >Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 018301 (2011)
: >Jon
No responses, at all. But there is the paper on it.


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