


In data sheet the eeprom i'm using (24C16) has a limit in 1 milion of
read-write operations.
What is the limit if I only read ? there is no limit it like a RAM ?
Enzo wrote:
In data sheet the eeprom i'm using (24C16) has a limit in 1 milion of
read-write operations.
What is the limit if I only read ? there is no limit it like a RAM ?
no limit at all , you can read any number of times.

could be some problem on data retention, I think, something like 10
years or more
Enzo wrote:

In data sheet the eeprom i'm using (24C16) has a limit in 1 milion of
read-write operations.
The number of read-write operations seems to increase as the technology
evolves. It wasn't that long ago it was 100,000 times. Before designing
in such a part, check that all the second sources have the same spec.
Purchasing may need to shop around.

What is the limit if I only read ? there is no limit it like a RAM ?
No limit indeed.

Enzo wrote:

in Italian language

Enzo, se non lo sai, ci sono attualmente un paio di NG in italiano che
trattano gli argomenti di sci.el* e comp.arch.embedded sono

non ti spaventare per la parola hobby sono seguiti da ottime persone e
li puoi postare in italiano

in English

Enzo, if you don't know, actualy there are a couple of italian NG rougly
equivalent to sci.el* and comp.arch.embedded they are called

don't worry about the word "hobby" the people is very good and you can
post there in the italian language
mmm <> ha scritto:

non ti spaventare per la parola hobby sono seguiti da ottime persone
Si e' vero, c'e' Franco, Giorgio...
Ma devo dire che su questo NG il livello generale mi sembra + elevato!

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