EEPROM questions for service professionals


Glen G.

Good afternoon!

As part of our continuing effort to provide the parts you need at the lowest
possible prices, we have a few questions for service professionals.

We have an increasing number of customers asking for replacement EEPROMs,
which we currently do not carry. Before adding replacement EEPROMs to our
product line-up we'd like to ask the esteemed members of this group a few
questions. Of course, we get a lot of very valuable information from our
customers, but we also like to get as much input as possible from all
available sources.

About how many replacement EEPROMs do you purchase?
(1 a month, 1 a week, 10 a week, etc.)

On average, what do you pay?

What would be a price low enough to convince you to switch suppliers and
purchase them from us? (Yeah, I know, 1 cent ;-)

Are there any numbers that you use sufficient quantities of that you order
them in quantity, or do you buy them one at a time as needed?

Is there any other information you think might be helpful?

Please reply to this group or use the "Contact us" link on our web site:

As always, thanks for your assistance.


Glen Goodwin
ACME Enterprises of Orlando

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