EDK 6.1


Pankaj Sharma

I'm trying to integrate a custom IP peripheral
in MicroBlaze based system.
I am facing a problem. I've added the custom peripheral in my design
using import peripheral wizard. But i am not able to associate an
interrupt handler for it. The following error is appearing.

ERROR:MDT - Y:\Sum-term-proj\Test\try6\ctr.mss_temp:50 -
interrupt_handler is not a configurable parameter for driver generic

I've tried to change mdd file of driver generic.

Could someone tell me how i can add any dummy driver other than
generic?(The GUI by default shows generic or <NONE> as the drivers)

Adding the following line in mdd file of driver generic does not help.
PARAMETER int_handler = ctr_int_handler, int_port = ovrfl

Neither do the following:
PARAM name = int_handler, default = ctr_int_handler, desc = "Name of
Interrupt Handler", type = string;
PARAM name = int_port, default = ovrfl, desc = "Interrupt pin
associated with the interrupt handler", permit = none;

Pankaj Sharma.

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