edif and vhdl files mixed




I'm using the EDK 3.2 with ISE 5.2 and made some user logic which I want to
integrate with a microblaze system. According to the documentation (User
core templates reference guide) it's possible to add your user logic in the
form of an edif file (instead of vhdl). But how to do this? When I try to
add an edif file into my ISE project, it's giving errors. Do I have to make
black boxes or something?

Assuming your top level is VHDL, you don't need to explicitly add the edif
files to the design. Instead you need to set up the Macro Search Path in the
implementation (more specifically, Translation) properties. That's how I do
it anyway...


"Frank" <someone@work.com> wrote in message

I'm using the EDK 3.2 with ISE 5.2 and made some user logic which I want
integrate with a microblaze system. According to the documentation (User
core templates reference guide) it's possible to add your user logic in
form of an edif file (instead of vhdl). But how to do this? When I try to
add an edif file into my ISE project, it's giving errors. Do I have to
black boxes or something?

But how to do it in the "official" way. I found something about making an
..bbd file but I can't get it working.

"MM" <mbmsv@yahoo.com> wrote in message
Assuming your top level is VHDL, you don't need to explicitly add the edif
files to the design. Instead you need to set up the Macro Search Path in
implementation (more specifically, Translation) properties. That's how I
it anyway...


"Frank" <someone@work.com> wrote in message

I'm using the EDK 3.2 with ISE 5.2 and made some user logic which I want
integrate with a microblaze system. According to the documentation (User
core templates reference guide) it's possible to add your user logic in
form of an edif file (instead of vhdl). But how to do this? When I try
add an edif file into my ISE project, it's giving errors. Do I have to
black boxes or something?

"Frank" <someone@work.com> wrote in message
But how to do it in the "official" way. I found something about making an
.bbd file but I can't get it working.
Well, that's all I know... If you figure it out let the group know please.
BTW, comp.arch.fpga would probably be a better place for this discussion...
So, why don't you repost your question there?

Founded solution:

you have to make a .bbd file and place it into the data directory and place
the .edf file into a netlist directory (is at same level as the data and hdl
directories). While generating a netlist, the .edf file is automatically
copied into your implementation directory (but you have to use the STYLE
option in the .mpd file).

"MM" <mbmsv@yahoo.com> wrote in message
"Frank" <someone@work.com> wrote in message
But how to do it in the "official" way. I found something about making
.bbd file but I can't get it working.

Well, that's all I know... If you figure it out let the group know please.
BTW, comp.arch.fpga would probably be a better place for this
So, why don't you repost your question there?

Frank wrote:
Founded solution:

you have to make a .bbd file and place it into the data directory and place
the .edf file into a netlist directory (is at same level as the data and hdl
directories). While generating a netlist, the .edf file is automatically
copied into your implementation directory (but you have to use the STYLE
option in the .mpd file).
It is also generally possible to add an edif file as a blackbox, and
avoid all those special files. For example, I used the UART that Xilinx
provides only as a edif file like this:

architecture synth of UART is
component uart_tx is
port ( din : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
write : in STD_LOGIC;
reset_buffer : in STD_LOGIC;
en_16_x_baud : in STD_LOGIC;
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
serial_out : out STD_LOGIC;
buffer_full : out STD_LOGIC);
end component;

-- Configuration specification, used only for simulation.
-- For synthesis, we are using a uart core from Xilinx which is
-- supplied only as an EDIF file. See uart_readme.txt and xapp223.pdf.
-- For simulation, we are using a behavioral model from FSF, which is
-- close enough. The enable does not seem to work quite the same,
-- resulting in much faster transmission rates during simulation.
--synopsys translate_off;
for uart_tx_dev: uart_tx
use entity work.TxUnit
port map (
Clk => clk,
Reset => RESET,
Enable => en_16_x_baud,
LoadA => write,
TxD => serial_out,
Busy => buffer_full,
DataI => din
--synopsys translate_on;

-- XST black box declaration
attribute box_type : string;
attribute box_type of uart_tx: component is "black_box";
uart_tx_dev: uart_tx
port map(
din => UDIN,
write => UWRITE,
reset_buffer => '0',
en_16_x_baud => UCLK_P,
clk => CLK,
serial_out => DISPLAYD,
buffer_full => UBUF_FULL

My real email is akamail.com@dclark (or something like that).
Frank wrote:

But how to do it in the "official" way. I found something about making an
.bbd file but I can't get it working.
Be skeptical of documents revealing the "official" to do synthesis.
Do as much as you can in your own source and minimize
vendor specific attributes and files.

In this case, all you should need to do is declare a
component representing the .edf entity that
the place and route knows about.
This "unbound" component will be wired up
during place and route.

Here's a related example.

-- ...
component clock_lock
inclock : IN STD_LOGIC ;
clock0 : OUT STD_LOGIC
END component;


clk_gen: clock_lock
PORT map (
-- ...

-- Mike Treseler

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