Peter Lowrie
Good morning.
It has been my intention to auction the rights to manufacture the
Accelerator: http://www.geocities.com/ledaccelerator however I
have decided to postpone for a week to allow interested parties
more time to evaluate technical details as provided on the above
I am not usually given to selling my inventions as they are most
often used in industrial/commercial settings wherein I've been
contracted to find a solution and so the "invention" is really
the property of the customer.
However I need a lung transplant, and I have to pay for it
somehow. That I am 43 and have severe pulmonary fibrosis and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, have suffered a
pneumothorax, surgical pleurodesis and pneumonia five times
(requiring hospitalisation), my lungs a in very poor condition, I
can hardly breathe and so I have to get some new ones. It aint
cheap. I'm not seeking sympathy, just the sale of one of my
I hope this goes some way in explaining.
Yours faithfully
Peter Lowrie
Free Electron
High St
Lower Hutt, NZ.
It has been my intention to auction the rights to manufacture the
Accelerator: http://www.geocities.com/ledaccelerator however I
have decided to postpone for a week to allow interested parties
more time to evaluate technical details as provided on the above
I am not usually given to selling my inventions as they are most
often used in industrial/commercial settings wherein I've been
contracted to find a solution and so the "invention" is really
the property of the customer.
However I need a lung transplant, and I have to pay for it
somehow. That I am 43 and have severe pulmonary fibrosis and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, have suffered a
pneumothorax, surgical pleurodesis and pneumonia five times
(requiring hospitalisation), my lungs a in very poor condition, I
can hardly breathe and so I have to get some new ones. It aint
cheap. I'm not seeking sympathy, just the sale of one of my
I hope this goes some way in explaining.
Yours faithfully
Peter Lowrie
Free Electron
High St
Lower Hutt, NZ.