RST Engineering (jw)
A very, very long time ago, I bought the original DOS version of Easy-PC out
of an ad in Ham Radio magazine. With all respect to the current product,
that old DOS sucker was about the buggiest thing this side of Microsoft.
At any rate, the LAST board I laid out in the Easy-PC is about at the end of
it's mercifully long (20 years or so) life but I need a few dozen more
boards to match up with a few hundred dollars worth of metalwork so as not
to waste metal. The PC board house that made the last run of boards told me
that this was the end, that they couldn't set up for photo negatives any
The old DOS program will NOT run under Windoze, no how, no way, no sir.
I've tried every trick I know of and it still jams on loadup (even AFTER I
get it out of its original 5" floppy format). However, the trial version of
Easy-PC 8 loads the old board just fine. The only problem is that it will
give me a PRINT version only, no Gerbers. My current PC board house can
only work from gerbers -- they put their camera into storage ten years or so
The point being:
1. Does anybody have a version of Easy-PC that gives gerbers/NC files and
would be willing to do a quick import and export of files for me? I
promise, no more requests if I can get this one job done.
2. Failing that, does anybody have an old legal copy of Easy-PC that they
would be willing to sell me for a reasonable price?
3. Failing that, does anybody have a way of translating Easy-PC files to
Protel/Traxmaker so that I can generate the gerbers myself? Traxmaker says
"TraxMaker can import Protel Text PCB files directly, allowing you to use
all or part of board designs produced in Protel's Advanced PCB2 and
Advanced PCB3 products. Once in TraxMaker, these board designs can be
modified and saved as a TraxMaker PCB file or a Protel Text PCB file."
of an ad in Ham Radio magazine. With all respect to the current product,
that old DOS sucker was about the buggiest thing this side of Microsoft.
At any rate, the LAST board I laid out in the Easy-PC is about at the end of
it's mercifully long (20 years or so) life but I need a few dozen more
boards to match up with a few hundred dollars worth of metalwork so as not
to waste metal. The PC board house that made the last run of boards told me
that this was the end, that they couldn't set up for photo negatives any
The old DOS program will NOT run under Windoze, no how, no way, no sir.
I've tried every trick I know of and it still jams on loadup (even AFTER I
get it out of its original 5" floppy format). However, the trial version of
Easy-PC 8 loads the old board just fine. The only problem is that it will
give me a PRINT version only, no Gerbers. My current PC board house can
only work from gerbers -- they put their camera into storage ten years or so
The point being:
1. Does anybody have a version of Easy-PC that gives gerbers/NC files and
would be willing to do a quick import and export of files for me? I
promise, no more requests if I can get this one job done.
2. Failing that, does anybody have an old legal copy of Easy-PC that they
would be willing to sell me for a reasonable price?
3. Failing that, does anybody have a way of translating Easy-PC files to
Protel/Traxmaker so that I can generate the gerbers myself? Traxmaker says
"TraxMaker can import Protel Text PCB files directly, allowing you to use
all or part of board designs produced in Protel's Advanced PCB2 and
Advanced PCB3 products. Once in TraxMaker, these board designs can be
modified and saved as a TraxMaker PCB file or a Protel Text PCB file."