Easy PC library required


Keith Rathband

I've just started using EasyPC.

Does anyone have (or know where i can get) a library for standard 5.00mm
pitch connectors, screw terminals, sockets, plugs (ie from Pheonix,
Weidmuller etc..) The standard and the pro library has none of these.


Keith Rathband wrote:
I've just started using EasyPC.

Does anyone have (or know where i can get) a library for standard 5.00mm
pitch connectors, screw terminals, sockets, plugs (ie from Pheonix,
Weidmuller etc..) The standard and the pro library has none of these.
I don't know of any, but components are really easy to create in EasyPC.
Since you're new to it, a few connectors are ideal practice!

(1) Create the schematic component- just lay down a pad (x), a bit if
wire and circle or a sausage if you line them. Copy it n times - start
with the smallest connector, say 2 way, and work up, adding an extra
copy each time. Each time you create one, save the result to the library
(your own library- otherwise it might get squogged if you update) under
a suitable name (2 Way, 3 Way etc. etc.) - you can share these between
different kinds of components later, so no need to be too specific. Just
make sure the numbering is sequential in the order you want it- renumber
if necessary.

(2) Create the footprint in your new PCB library. Add a pad, modify it
to the size specified in the manufacturer's data sheet. Best to set the
grid to the technology used- 5mm in this case- then position the pad,
then set the relative origin to the pad centre- all because EPC won't
snap the origin to the pad. Draw the outline round it. Proceed as
before, adding pads, stretching the outline and saving, till you've got
the family. Remember to renumber if necessary as before.

(3) Create the components - mate up the schematic to the package for
each one, just assign pins 1-1 then save to (your) library.

Done! Usually, including the time searching for the data on the web,
faster than trying to find a readymade library!

One word of warning if you are new to EPC: SAVE ALL at frequent
intervals, especially in PCB edit. Saves much swearing and possibly even
your eternal soul.

EasyPC were going to set up a repository for people to post their
libraries in, but it never happened.

Paul Burke
Hi Keith..

Designers tend to create their own sets of libraries for particular
customer jobs or as their own standard library, these are often a
collection of different types of components. If you would like to email us
with the specific component(s) you require we will see if we have it
within one of our libraries.

Steve Kearns

ps: I assume you are using version 8.0.12

Keith Rathband wrote:

I've just started using EasyPC.

Does anyone have (or know where i can get) a library for standard
pitch connectors, screw terminals, sockets, plugs (ie from Pheonix,
Weidmuller etc..) The standard and the pro library has none of these.



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