Easy PC Demo version



Clueless I am but I persevere :-(

Here is the problem:

I have a legal copy of EasyPC for DOS and as long as HP Deskjets were
available for parallel port connection I could get my printouts under

Now Deskjets come with USP interface and I cannot get the printouts. I
went to Number One web site and got a copy of Easy PC Demo for Windows
ver 7.0; it is crippled to prevent saving the files. But to my great
surprise it accepted my DOS layouts and printed them.

Unfortunately I have a slow machine 133mHz - 64mb and putting Windows
and Easy PC is too much for this machine (I mainly use DOS programs).
As a retired person I have no resources to buy a new computer or learn
a new system. I do occasional design for home improvement or show off
the kids - n commercial interest anymore.

I am interested in an older version of EasyPC Demo for Windows that
will be easy on my machine. Mind you, I do not ask for a cracked
version, only the Demo which was allowed to be downloaded by Number
One people by anyone when these versions were current. (I already
asked them for a copy and though I am holding a licensed DOS version
they did not even reply).

Of course I believe that the older version will also be not print

Can anyone of you reading this please help me?

Thanks for your patience.

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"ClueLess" <clueless@wilderness.org> wrote in message
Unfortunately I have a slow machine 133mHz - 64mb and putting Windows
and Easy PC is too much for this machine (I mainly use DOS programs).
As a retired person I have no resources to buy a new computer or learn
a new system.
I can understand not having the resources to buy a new computer, but if you're
retired, why wouldn't you have the time to learn a new system?

If you can't put together the funds to purchase a new system, I'd suggest
looking for a used DeskJet instead. They're quite inexpensive on, e.g., eBay.
There are also a few new printers left that have parallel port connections,
although they're definitely not the bargain-basement $39 specials you see at
Wal*Mart (where the printer is pretty much given away and profit is made on
the ink cartridges).
ClueLess wrote:
Clueless I am but I persevere :-(

Here is the problem:

I have a legal copy of EasyPC for DOS and as long as HP Deskjets were
available for parallel port connection I could get my printouts under

Now Deskjets come with USP interface and I cannot get the printouts. I
went to Number One web site and got a copy of Easy PC Demo for Windows
ver 7.0; it is crippled to prevent saving the files. But to my great
surprise it accepted my DOS layouts and printed them.

Unfortunately I have a slow machine 133mHz - 64mb and putting Windows
and Easy PC is too much for this machine (I mainly use DOS programs).
As a retired person I have no resources to buy a new computer or learn
a new system. I do occasional design for home improvement or show off
the kids - n commercial interest anymore.

I am interested in an older version of EasyPC Demo for Windows that
will be easy on my machine. Mind you, I do not ask for a cracked
version, only the Demo which was allowed to be downloaded by Number
One people by anyone when these versions were current. (I already
asked them for a copy and though I am holding a licensed DOS version
they did not even reply).

Of course I believe that the older version will also be not print

Can anyone of you reading this please help me?

Thanks for your patience.

I fowarded this to Easy-PC and they will get in touch with you. They
don't think that they will be able to help, however.
> *** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:20:57 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org>

Here is the problem:
Your email server seems to have a problem:

mail.wilderness.org: connection refused

I have version 5 available.
On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:55:56 +0200, Anon <no@no.no> wrote:

On Sun, 16 Apr 2006 06:20:57 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org

Here is the problem:

Your email server seems to have a problem:

mail.wilderness.org: connection refused
Sorry for that, it is a munged id.

In any case the mail server I subscribe to does not allow big
downloads, I think it is 5mb max.

Why not post it to a binaries group or some free site like 125mb.com
that is free?


I have version 5 available.
I would love to have a copy of this. I can receive mail at
mrsandy at eth dot net

Thanks a million for your response and the light in the tunnel.


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On 18 Apr 2006 03:12:48 -0700, "Leon" <leon.heller@bulldoghome.com>

I fowarded this to Easy-PC and they will get in touch with you. They
don't think that they will be able to help, however.

Thanks for your efforts, but Easy-PC already know about my requirement
and they did not help me, an old customer at that.


*** Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com ***
I'd love a copy also. My old DOS copy doesn't run under the current Windoze
version of DOS, even if I boot from an old DOS boot disk. I've got one old
schematic I did back in the 1980s with the very first edition of EZPC and it
is still a current product. Every time I go to pull gerbers from that
sucker, it is like pulling teeth.

Please, a copy? jim at rstengineering dot com


"ClueLess" <clueless@wilderness.org> wrote in message

I have version 5 available.

I would love to have a copy of this. I can receive mail at
mrsandy at eth dot net

Thanks a million for your response and the light in the tunnel.

I have version 5 available.

the mail server I subscribe to does not allow big downloads
Why not post it to a binaries group
or some free site like 125mb.com that is free?
What is the filename? If it is unique (version-specific),
I'll bet it can be found on a server with a .ru or .cz domain.
On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 06:21:20 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org>

Why not post it to a binaries group or some free site like 125mb.com
that is free?
I have now posted it to alt.binaries.
X-No-Google-Store: yes

On 22 Apr 2006 12:33:44 -0700, "JeffM" <jeffm_@email.com> wrote:

What is the filename? If it is unique (version-specific),
I'll bet it can be found on a server with a .ru or .cz domain.
That would be EasyPCDemo.exe

Version 7.0, IIRC, is about 19 mb or so.

Hope you can find a much earlier version that is small enough. The DOS
version I bought in the last century hardly filled up two 720 kb
diskettes :-( But it was a nicely done with X-No-archive: yes
a minimum learning curve, even I could master it :)

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On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 09:52:23 +0200, Anon <no@no.no> wrote:

Why not post it to a binaries group or some free site like 125mb.com
that is free?

I have now posted it to alt.binaries.
Hi Anon

Thanks a lot for taking trouble to post the software.

But it is the tale of the cup and lip al over again - It has so far
not appeared in the Teranews server which I look in :-(

Has any one else succeeded in getting a copy of what was posted by

Will you help me getting a copy for myself?

Thanks for your attention and patience

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On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 09:52:23 +0200, Anon <no@no.no> wrote:

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 06:21:20 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org

Why not post it to a binaries group or some free site like 125mb.com
that is free?

I have now posted it to alt.binaries.
Clueless I am but I persevere :)

Hi Anon

When I thought my long search has ended when you posted you have
version 5 bad luck was after me again with Teranews not showing your

Ok, I hope that you are seeing this post and I assume that you are
willing to help me. I would suggest you put that stuff in a CD and
mail it to me.

If you are willing to go to that extent to help me please let me know
at mrsandy at eth dot net and I will give you my mailing address.

I do not want you do it all for nothing - I reimburse you costs as
well as pay for your time, that it how much I am interested in the

Hope you are active in this group.


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On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 09:28:03 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org>
Ok, I hope that you are seeing this post and I assume that you are
willing to help me. I would suggest you put that stuff in a CD and
mail it to me.
If all else fails, I'll do that. But I have a couple of tricks I want
to try first.

Try ftp://hwdb.dyndns.org/

Note that server's network link is very slow, so expect around half an
hour for the download.

My next idea would be that you open a Gmail account, so we can use
that to transfer the file.

I could also split the file into smaller chunks, so you can receive
them one by one on your current mail server.
On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 14:18:26 +0200, Anon <no@no.no> wrote:

My next idea would be that you open a Gmail account, so we can use
that to transfer the file.
Got the account

mrsandy8085 at gmail dot com

I hope that now you can fire away.

By the way EasyPC install itself requires a passwaord given by Number
One Com. If ver 5 requires and you have it somewhere send that too.

Thanks again


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On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:31:31 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org>

I hope that now you can fire away.
I just thought of another option. Try this:


By the way EasyPC install itself requires a passwaord given by Number
One Com. If ver 5 requires and you have it somewhere send that too.
It does not need a password.
On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 11:46:32 +0200, Anon <no@no.no> wrote:

On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 10:31:31 +0530, ClueLess <clueless@wilderness.org

I hope that now you can fire away.

I just thought of another option. Try this:


By the way EasyPC install itself requires a passwaord given by Number
One Com. If ver 5 requires and you have it somewhere send that too.

It does not need a password.
At last !!!!!

Hi Anon

I got that file and boundless thanks to you for your kind efforts.

I have installed it and it is not print disabled so I am able to print
my DOS made pcb layouts. Requiring lesser resources it also has a more
friendly interface for printing.

If you need anything I can do please do let me know.

Thanks again


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On Sat, 22 Apr 2006 07:44:38 -0700, "RST Engineering \(jw\)"
<jim@rstengineering.com> wrote:

Please, a copy? jim at rstengineering dot com
Hi Jim

Did you see the latest post from Anon with the link for the EasyPCDEmo
ver 5?

Hope you too got a copy.

You said your DOS edition of EasyPC does not work. You can write to
me, my id is here in one of my posts. I will do what I can.


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