Bret Cahill
Both signals have mostly the same noise. The noise is at least
several times higher in frequency and usually several times lower in
The phase angle will be less than 5 degrees.
The bad news is both the frequency of the fundamental and its waveform
vary somewhat with time.
In this particular situation has anyone ever tried integrating both
signals at least once reduce the noise and to eliminate multiple
crossings and then to obtain several phase angles / cycle to average?
The accuracy doesn't need to be better than +/- 20% of the phase
angle. In other words, in absolute terms the phase angle may need to
be good down to 0.1 degrees but the error relative to the phase angle
can be large.
Bret Cahill
several times higher in frequency and usually several times lower in
The phase angle will be less than 5 degrees.
The bad news is both the frequency of the fundamental and its waveform
vary somewhat with time.
In this particular situation has anyone ever tried integrating both
signals at least once reduce the noise and to eliminate multiple
crossings and then to obtain several phase angles / cycle to average?
The accuracy doesn't need to be better than +/- 20% of the phase
angle. In other words, in absolute terms the phase angle may need to
be good down to 0.1 degrees but the error relative to the phase angle
can be large.
Bret Cahill