EAGLE how to move components between sheets without reroutin



Hi everyone!

I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to move components
sheets in the schematic, without ripping up the previously made routes
in the
correspondant board.

Is it possible?


I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to move components
sheets in the schematic, without ripping up the previously made routes
in the
correspondant board.

Is it possible?
I seem to remember that just moving parts to another sheet
was a pain in the ass...

I think you can do what you want if you close the routing view,
move the parts (being sure to keep the U? and R? assignments)
and then open the routing view and check things to make sure
the views are consistent.

[Be sure to save a copy first. It may take a few tries to
get it right.]

These are my opinions, not necessarily my employer's. I hate spam.
"Franco" <rmendoza79@gmail.com> wrote in message
Hi everyone!

I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to move components
sheets in the schematic, without ripping up the previously made routes
in the
correspondant board.

Is it possible?


Try asking over in eagle.support.eng or eagle.userchat.eng at

James T. White
Ok, thanks for the answers. I am gonna try the trick Hal pruposed. It
sounds logical.

Best Regards...


On Feb 15, 6:13 am, "James T. White" <SPAMjtwhiteGU...@hal-pc.org>
"Franco" <rmendoz...@gmail.com> wrote in message

news:1171443607.195130.252000@a75g2000cwd.googlegroups.com> Hi everyone!

I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to move components
sheets in the schematic, without ripping up the previously made routes
in the
correspondant board.

Is it possible?


Try asking over in eagle.support.eng or eagle.userchat.eng at

James T. White
On Feb 14, 4:00 am, "Franco" <rmendoz...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi everyone!

I have spent too much time trying to figure out how to move components
sheets in the schematic, without ripping up the previously made routes
in the
correspondant board.

Is it possible?


Try keeping everything in one sheet then. Eagle is a big pain in the
butt. Have you tried PCB123 schematic/layout software. Looks like an
eagle clone with no # of layer restrictions and with a better gui,
plus you order the board directly from the software, no gerber file
maxfoo@ punkass.com wrote:
Have you tried PCB123 schematic/layout software.
Looks like an eagle clone with no # of layer restrictions
and with a better gui,
plus you order the board directly from the software,

Many will say that's NOT a "plus" for an ECAD package.

no gerber file hassles...

no gerber file capability so that the app is not lock-in-ware.
There. Fixed it for you.

The company
appears to be a pack of liars
who can't even construct a standards-compliant Web page
On Feb 17, 3:17 pm, "JeffM" <jef...@email.com> wrote:
maxfoo@ punkass.com wrote:
Have you tried PCB123 schematic/layout software.
Looks like an eagle clone with no # of layer restrictions
and with a better gui,
plus you order the board directly from the software,

Many will say that's NOT a "plus" for an ECAD package.

no gerber file hassles...

no gerber file capability so that the app is not lock-in-ware.
There. Fixed it for you.

The companyhttp://www.google.com/search?q=site:pcb123.com+converts-*-*-to-*-Gerber
appears to be a pack of liarshttp://www.google.com/search?q=site:pcb123.com+does.not.have.the.abil...
who can't even construct a standards-compliant Web pagehttp://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http://www.pcb123.com/

Have you tried it yet? I downloaded and installed it yesterday and it
looks OK doesn't have an extensive library yet, but the footprint
editor looks easy enough. I was looking for something free to try out
besides Eagle and Kicad that can do multi-layer pcb's.
maxfoo@ punkass.com wrote:
Have you tried PCB123 schematic/layout software.
. . .
no gerber file hassles...

JeffM wrote:
no gerber file capability so that the app is not lock-in-ware.
There. Fixed it for you.

maxfoo@ punkass.com wrote:
Have you tried it yet?

I make an effort to avoid lock-in-ware and other crippleware
and to warn others about such items.

I was looking for something free to try out
besides Eagle and Kicad that can do multi-layer pcb's.

With rare exception, I have found TANSTAAFL.
maxfoo@punkass.com writes:
I was looking for something free to try out besides Eagle and Kicad
that can do multi-layer pcb's.
gEDA is free. I've got a four layer board in fab right now, done with

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