Tried the freeware/limited version, have this to say:
- Mostly non-Windows conforming user interface and shortcut keys - never heard of ctrl-C & ctrl-V...
- Drag & Crash library parts editor - used to rebooting Win 98SE but rare to find a trash & crasher like Eagle.
- Really ugly Eurostyle logic and inductor symbols, nearly impossible to reuse or edit symbols or graphic primitives.
- Cut & Paste, clipboard, "group"/move and selection dont function as expected. Guess someone really hates Microsoft...
& mainstream ECAD de facto standards.
- key/mouse functions confusing & cranky, don't work, buggy/crashy (see above).
- Tutorial is a joke, very difficult to follow, English is confusing. Explanation of the basics and editing of parts
libraries severely deficient.
IMHO Eagle has been struggling to gain USA market share & for very good reason.
It needs to be significantly rewritten to dump or at least hide the lame command-line driven option -- leftover from the
good old DOS days? -- and make parts easier to create & edit (without crashing). Windows-standard key-mouse-clipboard
functionality would be a plus, at the very least as a setup option. Provide a real tutorial that non-insiders can
follow. Have a native English-speaker reformat & proofread the tutorial (I volunteer for the job).
The author(s) need to step back and study the competition's features & usability, as well as buy some code devel &
debugging tools. Also they need to understand that the freeware version must be useful and simple to use (and stable),
being the springboard to the profitable versions. Learning curves must be saved for the rich feature set, not for the
annoyance of having to unlearn simple, intuitive basic operations that experienced ECAD users have come to expect.
Looking into CADint.se now... another sale lost for Eagle.
- Mostly non-Windows conforming user interface and shortcut keys - never heard of ctrl-C & ctrl-V...
- Drag & Crash library parts editor - used to rebooting Win 98SE but rare to find a trash & crasher like Eagle.
- Really ugly Eurostyle logic and inductor symbols, nearly impossible to reuse or edit symbols or graphic primitives.
- Cut & Paste, clipboard, "group"/move and selection dont function as expected. Guess someone really hates Microsoft...
& mainstream ECAD de facto standards.
- key/mouse functions confusing & cranky, don't work, buggy/crashy (see above).
- Tutorial is a joke, very difficult to follow, English is confusing. Explanation of the basics and editing of parts
libraries severely deficient.
IMHO Eagle has been struggling to gain USA market share & for very good reason.
It needs to be significantly rewritten to dump or at least hide the lame command-line driven option -- leftover from the
good old DOS days? -- and make parts easier to create & edit (without crashing). Windows-standard key-mouse-clipboard
functionality would be a plus, at the very least as a setup option. Provide a real tutorial that non-insiders can
follow. Have a native English-speaker reformat & proofread the tutorial (I volunteer for the job).
The author(s) need to step back and study the competition's features & usability, as well as buy some code devel &
debugging tools. Also they need to understand that the freeware version must be useful and simple to use (and stable),
being the springboard to the profitable versions. Learning curves must be saved for the rich feature set, not for the
annoyance of having to unlearn simple, intuitive basic operations that experienced ECAD users have come to expect.
Looking into CADint.se now... another sale lost for Eagle.