want to use dynamic range of array , so using "N" for converting a
incoming vector signal to integer. Using the specifc incoming port "Size
gives me an error, while fixed vector produces perfect output.
architecture EXAMPLE of Computation is
signal size :std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
process (ACLK, SLAVE_ARESETN) is
variable N: integer:=conv_integer ("00000111") ; ---WORKING
--variable N: integer:=conv_integer (size) ; -- Not working
type memory is array (N downto 0 ) of std_logic_vector (31 downto
variable RAM :memory;
Only reason to do this type of coding is send as much data as possible t
FPGA .As I need to send Data from DDR to Custom IP via DMA in vivado ma
be more than 100 MB. so kindly guide me if I am trying to implement i
wrong way as stated above.
I am thinking to make a counter to address ram, and have it reset whe
it's greater than size but confused how to do it . Can anyone provide m
some example.
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
incoming vector signal to integer. Using the specifc incoming port "Size
gives me an error, while fixed vector produces perfect output.
architecture EXAMPLE of Computation is
signal size :std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
process (ACLK, SLAVE_ARESETN) is
variable N: integer:=conv_integer ("00000111") ; ---WORKING
--variable N: integer:=conv_integer (size) ; -- Not working
type memory is array (N downto 0 ) of std_logic_vector (31 downto
variable RAM :memory;
Only reason to do this type of coding is send as much data as possible t
FPGA .As I need to send Data from DDR to Custom IP via DMA in vivado ma
be more than 100 MB. so kindly guide me if I am trying to implement i
wrong way as stated above.
I am thinking to make a counter to address ram, and have it reset whe
it's greater than size but confused how to do it . Can anyone provide m
some example.
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com