DVD spindle motor - NEED REPLACEMENT ?



My portable DVD player is an Initial portable DVD and 1 month after
warrenty it stopped spinning up to speed. I think it is the spindle
motor. I took the thing apart it had a label Supreming RF251 D/V D2
29 26 02 on the side of the motor. Is there anyway to test to make
sure this is the bad part and if so where do i find such a thing.

Silver Bullet
I found this website when looking for info on my dvd player, maybe it will
be of help.


"SilverBullet" <dakroons@netzero.net> wrote in message
My portable DVD player is an Initial portable DVD and 1 month after
warrenty it stopped spinning up to speed. I think it is the spindle
motor. I took the thing apart it had a label Supreming RF251 D/V D2
29 26 02 on the side of the motor. Is there anyway to test to make
sure this is the bad part and if so where do i find such a thing.

Silver Bullet
On 16 Feb 2004 18:45:20 -0800, dakroons@netzero.net (SilverBullet)

My portable DVD player is an Initial portable DVD and 1 month after
warrenty it stopped spinning up to speed. I think it is the spindle
motor. I took the thing apart it had a label Supreming RF251 D/V D2
29 26 02 on the side of the motor. Is there anyway to test to make
sure this is the bad part and if so where do i find such a thing.

Silver Bullet
If it's just a basic DC motor with 2 wires, similar to a CD player
splindle motor, you can test is easily. If you have an analog VOM
(not a DMM) you can connect it across the motor in the R x1 and slowly
rotate the motor. The resistance should stay pretty constant as you
rotate it and never go very high, or very low. Ususally, the VOM will
supply enough current for the motor to rotate quickly on its own.

If you don't have an analog VOM, you can try connecting a 1.5v AA cell
across it (after you unsolder it from the DVD player). The motor
should rotate with a fairly constant torque. Pay particular attention
to any dead spots where it can be stopped and not restart unless you
give it a spin by hand.

If it passes this test, it's probably not the motor. 90% of the DVD
players I see have bad optical pickups.
Andy Cuffe

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