dvd player wont read



opened DVD player and cleaned laser. I put brand new DVD disc in and it
would not read. its trying to read the disk then stops


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Version: 6.0.555 / Virus Database: 347 - Release Date: 12/23/2003
Oh! Crystal Ball

Lets have more info please.

"Watch the return E-Mail addy its false"
"Ben" <pendulum@velocity.net> wrote in message
opened DVD player and cleaned laser. I put brand new DVD disc in and it
would not read. its trying to read the disk then stops


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.555 / Virus Database: 347 - Release Date: 12/23/2003
What do you want? Its broke and needs fixed?

"Ben" <pendulum@velocity.net> wrote in message
opened DVD player and cleaned laser. I put brand new DVD disc in and it
would not read. its trying to read the disk then stops


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.555 / Virus Database: 347 - Release Date: 12/23/2003
"Ben" <pendulum@velocity.net> wrote in message
opened DVD player and cleaned laser. I put brand new DVD disc in and it
would not read. its trying to read the disk then stops


How do you expect anyone to help you? You didn't even post the brand, much
less the model number or any other useful info. Throw it in the trash and
buy a new one.
"David" <dkuhajda@locl.net.spam> writes:

What do you want? Its broke and needs fixed?

"Ben" <pendulum@velocity.net> wrote in message
opened DVD player and cleaned laser. I put brand new DVD disc in and it
would not read. its trying to read the disk then stops
Well, the general info in the CD repair guide (which includes DVDs) may
be of help without a model number. :)

--- sam | Sci.Electronics.Repair FAQ Home Page: http://www.repairfaq.org/
Repair | Main Table of Contents: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/
+Lasers | Sam's Laser FAQ: http://www.repairfaq.org/sam/lasersam.htm
| Mirror Site Info: http://www.repairfaq.org/REPAIR/F_mirror.html

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