dvd player buying advice



I am looking to buy a DVD player as a `second unit`.

I`d be looking to get an inexpensive unit this time, for occasional
use only. I know, as a tech, that with electronics you get what you
pay for. However, I dont have much experience with low end DVD players
and so my question is:

What is the general feeling on budget priced (around 40 uk pounds)
players? Such as those sold in Argos, Index Asda (the UK version of
Wal mart) and so on? Are there any which stand out as bargains or are
these players all total junk?
Any techs out there seen huge numbers of returns for any particular
brand? If so, which are best avoided? should I just avoid them
entirely and go for a brand name again?
(After reading the thread "most reliable dvd player" the general
impression seems to be that, of the `name brands`, Sony, Panasonic,
pioneer, and Toshiba come recommended (depite Sony spares prices being
prohibitively priced as usual). Any further (or more up to date)
comments on that?

thanks for any comments and tips
regards, Ben
If you are going to buy something, rather than throw out your money, you may
as well buy something good. The Panasonic, JVC, and Hitachi ones are very
good for the price. You don't have to buy the top of the line. Just get
something that has the options to perform to how you want it to.



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"b" <reverend_rogers@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I am looking to buy a DVD player as a `second unit`.

I`d be looking to get an inexpensive unit this time, for occasional
use only. I know, as a tech, that with electronics you get what you
pay for. However, I dont have much experience with low end DVD players
and so my question is:

What is the general feeling on budget priced (around 40 uk pounds)
players? Such as those sold in Argos, Index Asda (the UK version of
Wal mart) and so on? Are there any which stand out as bargains or are
these players all total junk?
Any techs out there seen huge numbers of returns for any particular
brand? If so, which are best avoided? should I just avoid them
entirely and go for a brand name again?
(After reading the thread "most reliable dvd player" the general
impression seems to be that, of the `name brands`, Sony, Panasonic,
pioneer, and Toshiba come recommended (depite Sony spares prices being
prohibitively priced as usual). Any further (or more up to date)
comments on that?

thanks for any comments and tips
regards, Ben
It also depends what you want to view. I spent some time buying/ testing/
about 12 units to see what they did and how well. I had some ideas about the
image quality and whether they could handle VCD, JPG's, and MP3 files, for
as well as the DVD function. After all is said and done, I found they all
have different
capabilities, none did all things well, and the one thing all had "issues"
with was
MP3. In my ideal world, the ID3 tags would come up on a front plasma display
with relevant data, bypassing the horrible TV display that in general
truncates this info to some unreadable gibberish........totally useless
"feature" as far as I'm concerned.
Might as well continue using my computer to play the disks !!
What are the engineers thinking ??

b wrote:
I am looking to buy a DVD player as a `second unit`.

I`d be looking to get an inexpensive unit this time, for occasional
use only. I know, as a tech, that with electronics you get what you
pay for. However, I dont have much experience with low end DVD players
and so my question is:

What is the general feeling on budget priced (around 40 uk pounds)
players? Such as those sold in Argos, Index Asda (the UK version of
Wal mart) and so on? Are there any which stand out as bargains or are
these players all total junk?
Any techs out there seen huge numbers of returns for any particular
brand? If so, which are best avoided? should I just avoid them
entirely and go for a brand name again?
(After reading the thread "most reliable dvd player" the general
impression seems to be that, of the `name brands`, Sony, Panasonic,
pioneer, and Toshiba come recommended (depite Sony spares prices being
prohibitively priced as usual). Any further (or more up to date)
comments on that?

thanks for any comments and tips
regards, Ben
get the compacks dvd 5000 from somewhere like safeway Ł50 v good and can
be easily multi regioned
I purchased DVD mp3 jpg for 39.00 US cyberhome is the manufacturer and
bought at sams club
"b" <reverend_rogers@yahoo.com> wrote in message
I am looking to buy a DVD player as a `second unit`.

I`d be looking to get an inexpensive unit this time, for occasional
use only. I know, as a tech, that with electronics you get what you
pay for. However, I dont have much experience with low end DVD players
and so my question is:

What is the general feeling on budget priced (around 40 uk pounds)
players? Such as those sold in Argos, Index Asda (the UK version of
Wal mart) and so on? Are there any which stand out as bargains or are
these players all total junk?
Any techs out there seen huge numbers of returns for any particular
brand? If so, which are best avoided? should I just avoid them
entirely and go for a brand name again?
(After reading the thread "most reliable dvd player" the general
impression seems to be that, of the `name brands`, Sony, Panasonic,
pioneer, and Toshiba come recommended (depite Sony spares prices being
prohibitively priced as usual). Any further (or more up to date)
comments on that?

thanks for any comments and tips
regards, Ben

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