Durabrand DVD Player PVS1970 Won't Play


I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.

The power light is on and when a DVD is inserted, a "Loading..." message
appears on the monitor. Then an "invalid disc" message appears. Note: An
audio disc has the same effect.

The disc does not spin and the pickup head doesn't emit a beam (momentary)
nor does it move in/out (focus attempt).

A web search did not produce useful information regarding the problem.

Thank You in Advance, John

PS, Remove "ine" from my email address
<jaugustine@verizon.net> wrote in message

I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.

The power light is on and when a DVD is inserted, a "Loading..."
appears on the monitor. Then an "invalid disc" message appears. Note: An
audio disc has the same effect.

The disc does not spin and the pickup head doesn't emit a beam
nor does it move in/out (focus attempt).

A web search did not produce useful information regarding the

Thank You in Advance, John

PS, Remove "ine" from my email address

Does the owner admit to using a zone-cracking upload?
<jaugustine@verizon.net> wrote in message

I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.

The power light is on and when a DVD is inserted, a "Loading..."
appears on the monitor. Then an "invalid disc" message appears. Note: An
audio disc has the same effect.

The disc does not spin and the pickup head doesn't emit a beam
nor does it move in/out (focus attempt).

A web search did not produce useful information regarding the problem.

Thank You in Advance, John

PS, Remove "ine" from my email address
Durabrand is the trash brand from Wal-Mart. It probably sold for about
repair parts and schematics will NOT be available, its Chinese junk at its
If a simple cleaning of the laser lens doesn't work, stop.
Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 09:25:45 -0400, jaugustine wrote:


I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.

Hello. Durabrand is cheaper to replace than repair. Usually one single
LSI controls everything end even decodes/process video. Not worth repair
like the old Cyberhome crap.

any of you here work with industrial drives or just drives in general?

We purchased a bunch of baldor VS1MD41 AC drives (1 HP) which has
vector mode in it, that's a nice thing and they're economically priced how
ever, it took me a week in my spare time between other jobs to get the
drive to go into Vector mode. The parameter H40 has a range of 0..2 in
the manual, and Selection 2 is for sensorless vector. Using that did not
put the drive in Vector mode but in some other mode that acted more like
basic V/f control. An accidental discovary of scrolling the UI on the
drive on H40 option showed that 0..3 range existed! but according to the
manual, that's wrong how ever, I select #3 and there it is, Vector mode
and it works great...

I down loaded recent DOC's from baldor, no change has been made in
the H40 parameter...

I don't know if we have a bunch of drives (40 of them) that has a
problem in firmware or baldor just isn't aware of the DOC error ?

The reason I speculate on this is, the drives my employer purchased do
not have the membrane type keyboard like Baldor is currently offering
but uses real push buttons how ever, the lay out is exactly the same...

So we either have older stock or maybe newer stock ? Either way, there
is an eror in the DOC's and this POST is going to help those that failed
at it or maybe wake up some one...

Have a good day..

On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 09:25:45 -0400, jaugustine wrote:


I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.
Hello. Durabrand is cheaper to replace than repair. Usually one single
LSI controls everything end even decodes/process video. Not worth repair
like the old Cyberhome crap.

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 12:51:22 -0400, Jamie wrote:

Meat Plow wrote:

On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 09:25:45 -0400, jaugustine wrote:


I have a Durabrand DVD player in my service shop that won't play.

Hello. Durabrand is cheaper to replace than repair. Usually one single
LSI controls everything end even decodes/process video. Not worth
repair like the old Cyberhome crap.

any of you here work with industrial drives or just drives in general?

We purchased a bunch of baldor VS1MD41 AC drives (1 HP) which has
vector mode in it, that's a nice thing and they're economically priced
how ever, it took me a week in my spare time between other jobs to get
the drive to go into Vector mode. The parameter H40 has a range of 0..2
in the manual, and Selection 2 is for sensorless vector. Using that did
not put the drive in Vector mode but in some other mode that acted more
like basic V/f control. An accidental discovary of scrolling the UI on
the drive on H40 option showed that 0..3 range existed! but according to
the manual, that's wrong how ever, I select #3 and there it is, Vector
mode and it works great...

I down loaded recent DOC's from baldor, no change has been made in
the H40 parameter...

I don't know if we have a bunch of drives (40 of them) that has a
problem in firmware or baldor just isn't aware of the DOC error ?

The reason I speculate on this is, the drives my employer purchased do
not have the membrane type keyboard like Baldor is currently offering
but uses real push buttons how ever, the lay out is exactly the same...

So we either have older stock or maybe newer stock ? Either way,
is an eror in the DOC's and this POST is going to help those that failed
at it or maybe wake up some one...

Have a good day..

I have some experience in Yaskawa CNC drives and resolvers but that's
about it. I know Baldor makes replacements but what you are referring to
are microdrives. You may have discovered some documentation errors or as
you said firmware errors but I'm no expert on it albeit I do understand
somewhat your deployment.

Live Fast, Die Young and Leave a Pretty Corpse

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