Dummy generation in DIVA

Hi All,
I've to insert some dummy structures on a particular layer. After
having a look at the manual, I've found the command:

[outLayer=] geomArrayShapes( bound cellview shape extent )

The example reportes is not enough clear to me, and I'was not able to
understand the relation between the shapes in the "cellview"l (second
parameter) and the layers passed as shape and etent. Does somene have
a working example in order to understand how the command works?

Thank you,

scosmo@tiscalinet.it wrote, on 01/09/09 13:28:
Hi All,
I've to insert some dummy structures on a particular layer. After
having a look at the manual, I've found the command:

[outLayer=] geomArrayShapes( bound cellview shape extent )

The example reportes is not enough clear to me, and I'was not able to
understand the relation between the shapes in the "cellview"l (second
parameter) and the layers passed as shape and etent. Does somene have
a working example in order to understand how the command works?

Thank you,

The example in the manual looks reasonably clear to me.

The shape argument is the name of the layer/purpose pair for the shapes which
will be arrayed into outLayer. The extent argument is the name of a
layer/purpose pair which is a rectangle in the cellView which specifies the size
of a single cell of the array - also, the relative position of the "shapes" to
the "extent" layer will be preserved when it is tiled.

So, imagine that you have a bunch of shapes on m1/drawing in
lib/chevrons/layout, and then a box on m1/boundary. What will happen is that all
the shapes on m1/drawing within m1/boundary will be copied and arrayed across
the area specified by fillarea, with the pitch of the array governed by the
width and height of the m1/boundary box. This is with the example:

filler = geomArrayShapes(fillarea "chevrons layout lib" ("m1" "drawing") ("m1"

I would have given a working example with pictures, but it's a little hard to do
that in a news group...

Anyway, does my explanation help at all?


Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)
Yes, it seems more clear now and after tryng again it works, thank


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