Dumb UPS Question

Sorry guys I feel kind of dumb asking this question... I have in front
of me two UPSs, one a Powerware Prestige 1.5kVa, the other a BEST USP
1.4kVa. Why is the BEST more than twice the size? I would think that
given the same capacity they would be the same size.

The Powerware uses 5 YUASA NPX-25 batteries whereas the BEST uses a
single Johnson Controls 12V 75AH battery. The transformer in the BEST
is simply huge, while in the Powerware they're three much smaller
toroidal transformers. But both advertise nearly the same capacity.

Is one significantly 'better', or has technology given us smaller UPSs
for the same capacity?

<giroup01@videotron.ca> schreef in bericht
Sorry guys I feel kind of dumb asking this question... I have in front
of me two UPSs, one a Powerware Prestige 1.5kVa, the other a BEST USP
1.4kVa. Why is the BEST more than twice the size? I would think that
given the same capacity they would be the same size.

The Powerware uses 5 YUASA NPX-25 batteries whereas the BEST uses a
single Johnson Controls 12V 75AH battery. The transformer in the BEST
is simply huge, while in the Powerware they're three much smaller
toroidal transformers. But both advertise nearly the same capacity.

Is one significantly 'better', or has technology given us smaller UPSs
for the same capacity?

Looks like the heavy one uses a "proven technology" big 60Hz transformer
while the other uses an SMPS style of transformer. The first will produce
the 60Hz directly from the battery and makes it available on the secundary
of the transformer, the other uses a high frequency, PWM like voltage to
feed the transformer followed by a (60 Hz) filter on the output.

petrus bitbyter

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