Dual port RAM for Xilinx


Tobias Möglich


Is there someone who has experiences with designing a dual port RAM.
I use the device Spartan-IIE (XC2S300E). But it should be simular with
other devices (e.g. Virtex, Spartan 3, etc)
I know there is a Synthesis Template in "Xilinx ISE Foundation". Is
there someone who knows about a complete design
for a dual port RAM.
I know, I need to get some more experience with VHDL.

Thank you for any help.

Tobias Möglich
Hello Tobias,

Tobias Möglich wrote:

Is there someone who has experiences with designing a dual port RAM.
I use the device Spartan-IIE (XC2S300E). But it should be simular with
other devices (e.g. Virtex, Spartan 3, etc)
I know there is a Synthesis Template in "Xilinx ISE Foundation".
I used that template without problems. But I assume that you can't use
single-bit signals as RAM-data-inputs.

some Code:

multibit <= singlebit1 & singlebit2;

if rising_edge(clk) then
if write = '1' then
ram(writeaddress) <= multibit;
end if;
readaddress <= read_address_in;
end if;

data_out <= ram(readaddress);

Synthesis now builds block RAM (synchronous read). For distributed RAM
read can be asynchronous.


\\Erik Markert - student of Information Technology//
\\ at Chemnitz University of Technology //
\\ TalkTo: erma@sirius.csn.tu-chemnitz.de //
\\ URL: http://www.erikmarkert.de //
Try Core Generator
"Tobias Möglich" <Tobias.Moeglich@gmx.net> Đ´ČëĎűϢĐÂÎĹ

Is there someone who has experiences with designing a dual port RAM.
I use the device Spartan-IIE (XC2S300E). But it should be simular with
other devices (e.g. Virtex, Spartan 3, etc)
I know there is a Synthesis Template in "Xilinx ISE Foundation". Is
there someone who knows about a complete design
for a dual port RAM.
I know, I need to get some more experience with VHDL.

Thank you for any help.

Tobias Möglich

Have you tried using the Xilinx Coregenerator to instantiate the Dual
port BRAM ?


Tobias Möglich wrote:


Is there someone who has experiences with designing a dual port RAM.
I use the device Spartan-IIE (XC2S300E). But it should be simular with
other devices (e.g. Virtex, Spartan 3, etc)
I know there is a Synthesis Template in "Xilinx ISE Foundation". Is
there someone who knows about a complete design
for a dual port RAM.
I know, I need to get some more experience with VHDL.

Thank you for any help.

Tobias Möglich
It is possible to use single bit signals al long as you define them as a
std_logic_vector (0 downto 0). This vector can be converted to a single
signal by the statement
signal <= vector(0);


"Erik Markert" <sirius571@gmx.net> schreef in bericht
Hello Tobias,

Tobias Möglich wrote:

Is there someone who has experiences with designing a dual port RAM.
I use the device Spartan-IIE (XC2S300E). But it should be simular with
other devices (e.g. Virtex, Spartan 3, etc)
I know there is a Synthesis Template in "Xilinx ISE Foundation".

I used that template without problems. But I assume that you can't use
single-bit signals as RAM-data-inputs.

some Code:

multibit <= singlebit1 & singlebit2;

if rising_edge(clk) then
if write = '1' then
ram(writeaddress) <= multibit;
end if;
readaddress <= read_address_in;
end if;

data_out <= ram(readaddress);

Synthesis now builds block RAM (synchronous read). For distributed RAM
read can be asynchronous.


\\Erik Markert - student of Information Technology//
\\ at Chemnitz University of Technology //
\\ TalkTo: erma@sirius.csn.tu-chemnitz.de //
\\ URL: http://www.erikmarkert.de //

Thank you for your advice. Yes, I tried it the CoreGenerator.
Hm. One more question:
Do I have to copy the source code generated by the CoreGenerator in a
vhd-file or
is it enough to add the generated core (-> including the xco-file by saying:
"New Source... IP(CoreGen & Architecture Wizard) in Xilinx ISE Foundation)?


"Tobias Möglich" <Tobias.Moeglich@gmx.net> schreef in bericht

Thank you for your advice. Yes, I tried it the CoreGenerator.
Hm. One more question:
Do I have to copy the source code generated by the CoreGenerator in a
vhd-file or
is it enough to add the generated core (-> including the xco-file by
"New Source... IP(CoreGen & Architecture Wizard) in Xilinx ISE

The source code generated by the core generator is only needed for
simulation. You can just add the generated core to your project and create
an instance in the right HDL file or schematic


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