I have a dual color led that I need to control from a programmable
device. I have 2 signals (LEDYAGC and LEDGAYC) to control if the led is
yellow or green.
I'm OK with all that.
I need to figure out the voltage and drive strentgh of the programmable
device (or the buffer if it needs that) that drives the LED signals. I
also need to figure out the series resistor I need to use. I've never
used this type of LED, so I just don't know where to start. Here's the
schematic of the LED and it's requirements. The programmable
device/buffer IOs can be 3.3v or 2.5v.
LEDYAGC ------
| |
-- --
yellow \/ /\ green
-- --
| |
LEDGAYC ------
LED Requirements
Description Absolute Maximum Rating
Green Yellow Unit
Wavelength At Peak Emission, If=20ma 565 590 Nm
Dominant Wavelength, If=20ma 566 588 Nm
Lens Clear Clear ---
Luminance Intensity, Iv@20mA 14 5 mcd
Capacitance, If=20ma 15 20 C
Forward Voltage, Vf=20mA 2.5 2.5 V
Reverse Voltage 5 5 V
Peak Forward Current 140 140 mA
DC Forward Current 25 30 mA
Reverse Current, Vr=5V 5 5 V
Power Dissipation 105 105 mW
Thanks, John
device. I have 2 signals (LEDYAGC and LEDGAYC) to control if the led is
yellow or green.
I'm OK with all that.
I need to figure out the voltage and drive strentgh of the programmable
device (or the buffer if it needs that) that drives the LED signals. I
also need to figure out the series resistor I need to use. I've never
used this type of LED, so I just don't know where to start. Here's the
schematic of the LED and it's requirements. The programmable
device/buffer IOs can be 3.3v or 2.5v.
LEDYAGC ------
| |
-- --
yellow \/ /\ green
-- --
| |
LEDGAYC ------
LED Requirements
Description Absolute Maximum Rating
Green Yellow Unit
Wavelength At Peak Emission, If=20ma 565 590 Nm
Dominant Wavelength, If=20ma 566 588 Nm
Lens Clear Clear ---
Luminance Intensity, Iv@20mA 14 5 mcd
Capacitance, If=20ma 15 20 C
Forward Voltage, Vf=20mA 2.5 2.5 V
Reverse Voltage 5 5 V
Peak Forward Current 140 140 mA
DC Forward Current 25 30 mA
Reverse Current, Vr=5V 5 5 V
Power Dissipation 105 105 mW
Thanks, John