Dual 7segment decoder in ABEL



Hi there

I'm using the attached module for a dual 7-segment decoder.
It works fine except one thing: the segment should show "1" if the
BCD-code has got the value of 0, so the display shows numbers starting
from 1 up to 100 instead of 0 up to 99.

I gues the answer is pretty easy but I'm not very familar with ABEL
So in my opinion the solution is to add 1 to the current BCD-value (=
Zahl) and then can very easily go through the truth table.

Can somebody help and tell me, where I have to change my code???


module bcd7_2seg
title 'seven segment display decoder'

" angepasst auf ein Ausgabe a-g und einer Ansteuerung für
" LowerSegment und HigherSegment

" The 5 -bit binary (0 - 64) score is converted into two BCD outputs.
" The integer division '/' and the modulus operator '%' are used to
" extract the individual digits from the two digit score.
" 'Score % 10' will yield the 'units' and
" 'Score / 10' will yield the 'tens'

" a
" ---
" f| g |b
" ---
" e| d |c
" ---

" Zwischengrössen
V7..V0 node;

EN,S5..S0,Clock pin; "Steuereingänge

a,b,c,d,e,f,g pin istype 'com'; "7Seg.Ausgänge Einer
Seg pin istype 'com';


bcd1 =[V3..V0];
bcd2 =[V7..V4];

ON,OFF = 0,1; " for common anode LEDs
L,H,X,Z = 0,1,.X.,.Z.;

binary = 0; "scratch variable
clear macro (a) {@const ?a=0};
inc macro (a) {@const ?a=?a+1;};

when !EN&Clock then Seg=ON
else when !EN&!Clock then Seg=OFF;


truth_table ( Zahl -> [bcd2,bcd1])
@repeat 64 {binary -> [binary/10,binary%10]; inc(binary);}

truth_table ([bcd2,bcd1,Seg] -> [ a , b , c , d, e , f , g ])
[X,0,ON] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, OFF];"
[X,1,ON] -> [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF];
[X,2,ON] -> [ ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON, OFF, ON];
[X,3,ON] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, ON];
[X,4,ON] -> [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, ON, ON];
[X,5,ON] -> [ ON, OFF, ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON];
[X,6,ON] -> [ ON, OFF, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON];
[X,7,ON] -> [ ON, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF];
[X,8,ON] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON];
[X,9,ON] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON];
[0,X,OFF] -> [ OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF];
"führende Nullen aus
[1,X,OFF] -> [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF];
[2,X,OFF] -> [ ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON, OFF, ON];
[3,X,OFF] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, ON];
[4,X,OFF] -> [OFF, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, ON, ON];
[5,X,OFF] -> [ ON, OFF, ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON];
[6,X,OFF] -> [ ON, OFF, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON];
[7,X,OFF] -> [ ON, ON, ON, OFF, OFF, OFF, OFF];
[8,X,OFF] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON, ON];
[9,X,OFF] -> [ ON, ON, ON, ON, OFF, ON, ON];


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