DTV Transition - The End of Civilization !
On February 17, 2009, they say we are going to lose our analog tv
signals and all tv's connected to an aerial must have a converter or
the screen will go blank. The real truth of this matter is far more
devastating than anyone could have imagined.
To begin, since the dawn of television, there have been more murders
on the tube than there have been in all of actual recorded history.
Now, we will pay for all this violence on television. On February 17,
our televisions are going to begin attacking people, and killing them.
This is not a joke. All TV sets made since the 1950's all contain
capacitors that when shocked, will explode just like a bullet, and
they can and do kill people and other living creatures. On this date
in February, these devices are going to receive the necessary shock to
begin firing ammunition capable of killing. It is estimated that well
over 50% of the population in the United States will be shot and
killed instantly by their tv sets.
If this is not enough, there will be a backlash which is going to
affect all those who survive. As these electronic components explode,
they are going to place a huge overload on all electric utility
companies, which will literally melt all wiring strung across utility
poles throughout the entire country. Pole transformers will burst
into flames, and in the end, this will anhilate all electrical
generation equipment.
If this is not enough, every home and other structure which has
electrical wiring connected to the electrical grid, will burst into
flames within minutes as the changeover occurs. With every structure
throughout America in flames, as well as the fire department buildings
meant to service these homes, all of America will be left homeless,
and all factories, stores, gas stations, government buildings, and
every other structure will be gone.
In the end, few will survive. We as a civilization will be tossed
back several hundred years. We will be forced to go back to living in
caves or crude cabins and tents. Food will only be what we can grow
with hand tools or hunt with spears and axes. Our only means of
transportation will be horses, cattle, oxen, and other beasts.
On February 17, 2009, our entire way of life will change. Only the
strong and those with survival skills will survive. It's estimated
that close to 75% of the U.S. population will be dead within 24 hours
after this so called "DTV Transition". Many more will die within the
following week. Are you prepared?
However, you CAN survive, but you must begin now. Utmost and
foremost, get rid of all televisions. Get them as far away from your
home and family as possible, and do so now. Next, you must
disconnect from the electrical grid immediately. Have your electrical
supplier disconnect your home, and if there are overhead wires or
transformers near your house, have them removed. An exploding pole
transformer can shoot flames and burning oil quite a distance. You do
not want these near your home or your family. Also, remove all
flammables from your premises and empty the gas tanks on vehicles.
Stock up on as much food, medicine, and other needs immediately, and
place them in fireproof vaults. Then, learn survival skills and first
aid. There will be no one to help you. No hospitals, no police, no
fire department, no government programs to help us, no phones, no
internet, no heating fuel, no 911 services or paramedics. You'll be
on your own.
Another thing you can do, in case your home burns, is to set up an old
car or van for a shelter. First, get this vehicle far away from any
house or other building, as we well as away from all electrical wires.
It's best to put it out in the woods, where there is an adequate
supply of firewood for heat, and far away from modern structures. Of
course, be aware that as homes burn, woods may also burn. Thus, it's
best to find a secluded "island woods", isolated from structures that
will likely burn. In other words, find a wooded area which will not
be set ablaze. Place this vehicle in a location where it's blocked by
winds. Remove all gasoline, and all electronic components that
contain capacitors, such as the radio, electronic ignition,
distributor, and any other electronic devices. Also disconnect the
battery cables. Stock this vehicle with food which will not freeze if
you are in a cold climate, (which many people are in February). Be
sure to be prepared to cope with medical problems, and have materials
for fire starting. A small woodstove and approved safe chimney may be
your only source of heat for that vehicle. Don't forget bedding, warm
clothing, toilet paper, and other needs.
We only have about three weeks left before we are sent back to the
dark ages, with no machines, no stores, and no services. Prepare NOW.
Tell everyone you know about this, and be sure to give them all the
details if you want them to survive. If you want to survive this
devastation, you MUST Prepare NOW.
You can learn basic survival skills on websites such as:
And First Aid here:
And others....
Good Luck !
On February 17, 2009, they say we are going to lose our analog tv
signals and all tv's connected to an aerial must have a converter or
the screen will go blank. The real truth of this matter is far more
devastating than anyone could have imagined.
To begin, since the dawn of television, there have been more murders
on the tube than there have been in all of actual recorded history.
Now, we will pay for all this violence on television. On February 17,
our televisions are going to begin attacking people, and killing them.
This is not a joke. All TV sets made since the 1950's all contain
capacitors that when shocked, will explode just like a bullet, and
they can and do kill people and other living creatures. On this date
in February, these devices are going to receive the necessary shock to
begin firing ammunition capable of killing. It is estimated that well
over 50% of the population in the United States will be shot and
killed instantly by their tv sets.
If this is not enough, there will be a backlash which is going to
affect all those who survive. As these electronic components explode,
they are going to place a huge overload on all electric utility
companies, which will literally melt all wiring strung across utility
poles throughout the entire country. Pole transformers will burst
into flames, and in the end, this will anhilate all electrical
generation equipment.
If this is not enough, every home and other structure which has
electrical wiring connected to the electrical grid, will burst into
flames within minutes as the changeover occurs. With every structure
throughout America in flames, as well as the fire department buildings
meant to service these homes, all of America will be left homeless,
and all factories, stores, gas stations, government buildings, and
every other structure will be gone.
In the end, few will survive. We as a civilization will be tossed
back several hundred years. We will be forced to go back to living in
caves or crude cabins and tents. Food will only be what we can grow
with hand tools or hunt with spears and axes. Our only means of
transportation will be horses, cattle, oxen, and other beasts.
On February 17, 2009, our entire way of life will change. Only the
strong and those with survival skills will survive. It's estimated
that close to 75% of the U.S. population will be dead within 24 hours
after this so called "DTV Transition". Many more will die within the
following week. Are you prepared?
However, you CAN survive, but you must begin now. Utmost and
foremost, get rid of all televisions. Get them as far away from your
home and family as possible, and do so now. Next, you must
disconnect from the electrical grid immediately. Have your electrical
supplier disconnect your home, and if there are overhead wires or
transformers near your house, have them removed. An exploding pole
transformer can shoot flames and burning oil quite a distance. You do
not want these near your home or your family. Also, remove all
flammables from your premises and empty the gas tanks on vehicles.
Stock up on as much food, medicine, and other needs immediately, and
place them in fireproof vaults. Then, learn survival skills and first
aid. There will be no one to help you. No hospitals, no police, no
fire department, no government programs to help us, no phones, no
internet, no heating fuel, no 911 services or paramedics. You'll be
on your own.
Another thing you can do, in case your home burns, is to set up an old
car or van for a shelter. First, get this vehicle far away from any
house or other building, as we well as away from all electrical wires.
It's best to put it out in the woods, where there is an adequate
supply of firewood for heat, and far away from modern structures. Of
course, be aware that as homes burn, woods may also burn. Thus, it's
best to find a secluded "island woods", isolated from structures that
will likely burn. In other words, find a wooded area which will not
be set ablaze. Place this vehicle in a location where it's blocked by
winds. Remove all gasoline, and all electronic components that
contain capacitors, such as the radio, electronic ignition,
distributor, and any other electronic devices. Also disconnect the
battery cables. Stock this vehicle with food which will not freeze if
you are in a cold climate, (which many people are in February). Be
sure to be prepared to cope with medical problems, and have materials
for fire starting. A small woodstove and approved safe chimney may be
your only source of heat for that vehicle. Don't forget bedding, warm
clothing, toilet paper, and other needs.
We only have about three weeks left before we are sent back to the
dark ages, with no machines, no stores, and no services. Prepare NOW.
Tell everyone you know about this, and be sure to give them all the
details if you want them to survive. If you want to survive this
devastation, you MUST Prepare NOW.
You can learn basic survival skills on websites such as:
And First Aid here:
And others....
Good Luck !