Can anyone tell me if a Motorola XC56361 (56361, Google will NOT give results
for its full name, hell knows why) the same as a Motorola XC143410GC?
I'm asking because Echoaudio Layla 24/96 PCI boards are said by one of Echo's
own staff to use the XC56361, and the ALSA mailing list has archived pages
that support this, yet I have THREE actual Layla 24/96 PCI cards that all
have the XC143410GC on each one, and a picture found on Google Images also
shows one. I need to get clarity on this because none of my boards work on a
Via EPIA MII 12000 mainboard (no firmware load from DSP on PCI card), and
this apparently different IC might be something to do with that.
And has anyone got a Layla 24/96 PCI card (or ANY Layla 24 bit card) that has
a definite XC56301, specifically marked as such? If so, please can I see a
picture? (I can't find any pictures of an XC56361 so I don't have any way to
be sure it exists as a separate entity from an XC143410GC).
for its full name, hell knows why) the same as a Motorola XC143410GC?
I'm asking because Echoaudio Layla 24/96 PCI boards are said by one of Echo's
own staff to use the XC56361, and the ALSA mailing list has archived pages
that support this, yet I have THREE actual Layla 24/96 PCI cards that all
have the XC143410GC on each one, and a picture found on Google Images also
shows one. I need to get clarity on this because none of my boards work on a
Via EPIA MII 12000 mainboard (no firmware load from DSP on PCI card), and
this apparently different IC might be something to do with that.
And has anyone got a Layla 24/96 PCI card (or ANY Layla 24 bit card) that has
a definite XC56301, specifically marked as such? If so, please can I see a
picture? (I can't find any pictures of an XC56361 so I don't have any way to
be sure it exists as a separate entity from an XC143410GC).