Tim Polmear
I know this topic's been covered before at great length and we all
know why it's happening but I thought I'd share this little gem.
Just yesterday I went to Dick Smith's and went to the counter with a
handful of components (the few I could find - have you noticed even
the component towers are only half full?).
The salesman wanded through a couple of items and then asked me what a
particular component was. I told him and he said "I'm glad at least
one of us knows."
The item in question was made of silver metal in a rounded oblong sort
of shape about 1.5cm wide and a bit taller. There was a flange on the
bottom end and two leads of equal length poking from the bottom of the
component, insulated from the metal case by some form of dielectric.
On the case was a number '4.00000' and a few letters.
It was, of course, a 4MHz crystal.
know why it's happening but I thought I'd share this little gem.
Just yesterday I went to Dick Smith's and went to the counter with a
handful of components (the few I could find - have you noticed even
the component towers are only half full?).
The salesman wanded through a couple of items and then asked me what a
particular component was. I told him and he said "I'm glad at least
one of us knows."
The item in question was made of silver metal in a rounded oblong sort
of shape about 1.5cm wide and a bit taller. There was a flange on the
bottom end and two leads of equal length poking from the bottom of the
component, insulated from the metal case by some form of dielectric.
On the case was a number '4.00000' and a few letters.
It was, of course, a 4MHz crystal.