Bruce Varley
Hi, I'm planning to use a couple of complementary power fets in a beanpole
config for a power output stage. Power probably 5 watts or less, frequency
around 500 KHz, the thing has to tolerate an unpredictable load which will
be part capacitive, part resistive. I'm not too fussed about how efficient
the power transfer is, and there'll be a series resistor on the output for
protection, so that part's probably OK. Here's the potential issue: for
simplicity I'm thinking of driving the two gates with 180 deg out of phase
squarewaves (with the appropriate level shifts), so that one device is on,
the other off, and the centre point of the beanpole toggles between the
rails. Might phase shifts that result in both devices being on during the
transitions cause problems? Is there a good way to handle this situation?
config for a power output stage. Power probably 5 watts or less, frequency
around 500 KHz, the thing has to tolerate an unpredictable load which will
be part capacitive, part resistive. I'm not too fussed about how efficient
the power transfer is, and there'll be a series resistor on the output for
protection, so that part's probably OK. Here's the potential issue: for
simplicity I'm thinking of driving the two gates with 180 deg out of phase
squarewaves (with the appropriate level shifts), so that one device is on,
the other off, and the centre point of the beanpole toggles between the
rails. Might phase shifts that result in both devices being on during the
transitions cause problems? Is there a good way to handle this situation?