Dressing Up Tech With Math


Bret Cahill

clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical
You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

Bret Cahill
Bret Cahill wrote:
clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

All of your claims are small, just like your mind.


aioe.org, Goggle Groups, and Web TV users must request to be white
listed, or I will not see your messages.

If you have broadband, your ISP may have a NNTP news server included in
your account: http://www.usenettools.net/ISP.htm

There are two kinds of people on this earth:
The crazy, and the insane.
The first sign of insanity is denying that you're crazy.
Bret Cahill wrote:
clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

If your tuition comes in under Small Claims Court jurisdiction you are
twice an idiot. Remember to bring as evidence the matchbook cover
advertising your university.

Tuition is paid for contractual value received - credit-hours. If you
were so stupid as to major in Medieval French Blank Verse taught by a
Chinese grad student, send your resume to Homeland Severity. They
forever seek employees endlessly fascinated by fingering other folks'

Uncle Al
(Toxic URL! Unsafe for children and most mammals)
Just as the criminal returns to the scene of a crime the dunces return
to their own foolish posts to expose themselves:

clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

All of your claims are small,
Anyone can look me up in U. S. Reports - Supreme Court Reporter.

In sharp contrast vaporware types such as yourself have no paper
trail. No paper trail = not doing anything. In the immortal words of
cowboy poet and large animal vet Baxter Black, "you aren't self
employed, you're self _un_employed."

BTW, when did that nonsense get started where every dunce on
sci.electronics.basics goes around defending his lack of knowledge /
lack of interest in electronics with the claim that he "has a lot of
happy customers?"

Has that ever fooled anyone other than other dunces?

Anyway, back to the issue:

I don't do small claims but I know it's an easy small claims case.

Obviously the swindle was less than the jurisdictional limit on two
bit frauds.

Actually you aren't even functional enough to be a two bit fraud. You
only indulge in self deception.

Bret Cahill
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 10:53:57 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@aol.com> wrote:

clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?
I think that if you think that's what I think you have very poor reading
comprehension skills.

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

�clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

I think that if you think that's what I think you have very poor reading
comprehension skills.
Here's your opportunity to clarify yourself.

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

You got suckered into paying for a "electronics training" course
didn't you?

What was his name?

You're all using the same "happy customer" nonsense.

Remember the "training course" scam is an organized fraud scheme, a
first or 2nd degree felony.

You can recover your "tuition" money. �It's an easy small claims case.

Indulging in fantasy is legal so you might be safe, even if you did
get swindled.

Bret Cahill
�clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. �It's an easy small claims case.

That he is, but desperation plays a role too.

If your tuition comes in under Small Claims Court jurisdiction you are
twice an idiot. ďż˝
These "training" scams flourish during recessions. I forced one into
Chapt. 7 back in Tampa during the GHW Bush recession.

It was easy. I just told everyone Universal Security Systems was a
scam. It clicked for his victims and eventually Sun Bank quit
lending them money.

Anyone who thinks math is to "dress up" tech could very well be a
victim of such a scam.

Remember to bring as evidence the matchbook cover
advertising your university.
Terry Ottinger, the scammer running Universal Security, would pass out
copies of checks as proof of "happy customers."

The "happy customers" claim was almost identical to what these idiots
on sci.electronics.basics are trying.

Unfortunately for Terry Ottinger -- at the time the scammer was living
near Brandon -- one of his victims gave me copies of these checks.

Tuition is paid for contractual value received - credit-hours.
You're confusing legitimate education with a scam, an organized fraud

Bret Cahill
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 12:18:28 -0800 (PST), Bret Cahill
<BretCahill@peoplepc.com> wrote:

Just as the criminal returns to the scene of a crime the dunces return
to their own foolish posts to expose themselves:

clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. It's an easy small claims case.

All of your claims are small,

Anyone can look me up in U. S. Reports - Supreme Court Reporter.

You're finally admitting that you're nothing more than a pissant
stenographer, yet because of your delusions of grandeur, believe that
you're on par with those whose words you dutifully recorded and signed
off on as the lackey recorder.

In sharp contrast vaporware types such as yourself have no paper
trail. No paper trail = not doing anything.

Michael repairs and updates computers and then _gives_ them to senior

If he chooses to keep records of his transactions that's his decision,
and if he doesn't he's still doing something, and something good, BTW.

Your 'paper trail', LOL, is nothing more than signing off as being the
session typist.

That's a far cry from being a designer, since those of us who _are_
designers generate the original dialogues, which galls pipsqueaks like
you who merely sniff our assholes trying to find out what we're about,
and then run away, crying: "foul!" after finding that original thought
eludes you.

In the immortal words of
cowboy poet and large animal vet Baxter Black, "you aren't self
employed, you're self _un_employed."
The mighty typist strikes again?

BTW, when did that nonsense get started where every dunce on
sci.electronics.basics goes around defending his lack of knowledge /
lack of interest in electronics with the claim that he "has a lot of
happy customers?"
Your characterization of "dunces" is obviously different from that which
those whom you've decided to call "dunces" have been able to accomplish.

For example, Spehro Pefhany, Jim Thompson, John Larkin, Joerg, et al
(you know who you are :) and I are all running successful businesses
and, more or less, calling our own shots.

And, we have customers who like us since they know we'll deliver on
terms _they_ feel important.

And you?

You may work for yourself and be an independent contractor, but you
don't do design work since all you are is a typist.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Has that ever fooled anyone other than other dunces?

Anyway, back to the issue:

I don't do small claims but I know it's an easy small claims case.\
Like the secretary states that she doesn't do windows because it's
beneath her, even though she knows it's easy?

Obviously the swindle was less than the jurisdictional limit on two
bit frauds.

Actually you aren't even functional enough to be a two bit fraud. You
only indulge in self deception.
You pretend to authority while admitting to being nothing more than a

Be careful, since rendering legal opinions is out of your bailiwick

Just as the criminal returns to the scene of a crime the dunces return
to their own foolish posts to expose themselves:

�clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. �It's an easy small claims case.

� �All of your claims are small,

Anyone can look me up in U. S. Reports - Supreme Court Reporter.


You're finally admitting that you're nothing more than a pissant
Now everyone knows you are too moronic to look up the cases.

.. . .

In sharp contrast vaporware types such as yourself have no paper
trail. �No paper trail = not doing anything. �

Now _that's_ a convincing argument.

Maybe you can try that in your defamation lawsuit . . .

Ooops. I forgot. The defamation case is off now that you agree with
me that you have no tech background.

Michael repairs and updates computers and then _gives_ them to senior
citizens. ďż˝
A fine service but he needs to post to alt.junkyardcomputers and stay
away of threads where some thermo background is required.

Bret Cahill
On Thu, 1 Jan 2009 19:02:54 -0800 (PST), Bret_E_Cahill@yahoo.com wrote:

Just as the criminal returns to the scene of a crime the dunces return
to their own foolish posts to expose themselves:

?clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. ?It's an easy small claims case.

? ?All of your claims are small,

Anyone can look me up in U. S. Reports - Supreme Court Reporter.


You're finally admitting that you're nothing more than a pissant

Now everyone knows you are too moronic to look up the cases.

. . .

In sharp contrast vaporware types such as yourself have no paper
trail. ?No paper trail = not doing anything. ?


Now _that's_ a convincing argument.

Maybe you can try that in your defamation lawsuit . . .

Ooops. I forgot. The defamation case is off now that you agree with
me that you have no tech background.

Michael repairs and updates computers and then _gives_ them to senior
citizens. ?

A fine service but he needs to post to alt.junkyardcomputers and stay
away of threads where some thermo background is required.
You should follow your own advice, especially after that last heat
exchanger fiasco of yours.

Just as the criminal returns to the scene of a crime the dunces return
to their own foolish posts to expose themselves:

?clothe your banal pronouncements in the proper mathematical
Was there a post where these two statements appeared together?

If not then our fraud has been making up attributions.

This doesn't mean that the statements don't belong together, just that
now anyone can document that the post splicer is a disreputable fraud
in court.

Not that our fraud was ever going to court.

Everyone can call him a fraud now and he won't do anything to defend
his name because he is such a, well, fraud.

You think math is to "dress up" tech?

Did you get swindled by someone telling you that nonsense?

What was his name?

You can recover your "tuition" money. ?It's an easy small claims case.

? ?All of your claims are small,

Anyone can look me up in U. S. Reports - Supreme Court Reporter.


You're finally admitting that you're nothing more than a pissant

Now everyone knows you are too moronic to look up the cases.
Now our fraud is tacitly admitting he is too moronic to look up a
plaintiff's name in the law books.

In sharp contrast vaporware types such as yourself have no paper
trail. ?No paper trail = not doing anything. ?


Now _that's_ a convincing argument.
Especially coming from a fraud who won't even defend his reputation in

Now everyone knows you're a fraud.

Maybe you can try that in your defamation lawsuit . . .

Ooops. �I forgot. �The defamation case is off now that you agree with
me that you have no tech background.
Look everyone. I'm calling our fraud "a fraud." I will sign a hard
copy affidavit stating he is a fraud.

It is obvious to everyone he is a fraud when he tries to fake like he
has a background in engineering by posting to threads concerning
thermo when he has never studied thermodynamics.

Michael repairs and updates computers and then _gives_ them to senior
citizens. ?

A fine service but he needs to post to alt.junkyardcomputers and stay
away of threads where some thermo background is required.

You should follow your own advice,
I don't pretend to repair computers for senior citizens.

especially after that last heat
exchanger fiasco of yours.
You mean the ones in the Official Gazette of the U. S. Patent and
Trademark Office?

By the way, Mr. Self Deception, Self _un_employed Fraud, what's the
patent number of your "invention?"

Bret Cahill

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