Paul Landregan
I have one of these in my laptop. Its just over a year old. It was left in
the laptop for a few weeks untouched, and seems to have gone flat. It
doesn't seem to want to charge up either. It sits at 0% and charging all the
I have too it out and checked the voltage it reads 6.6v across the + & -
pins. Is there anyway I can revive this battery. Also what are the other
pins for? they are marked +, C, D,D,T,- in that order.
Any help is appreciated.
the laptop for a few weeks untouched, and seems to have gone flat. It
doesn't seem to want to charge up either. It sits at 0% and charging all the
I have too it out and checked the voltage it reads 6.6v across the + & -
pins. Is there anyway I can revive this battery. Also what are the other
pins for? they are marked +, C, D,D,T,- in that order.
Any help is appreciated.