The Real Andy
OK, I have finally found a USB-232 converter which doesn't crash my
PC. Whilst being a fairly good device, I still have found a few
problems which others may have experienced.
The main problem is that I am dealing with serial devices that
continuously transmit data. With the FTDI chip, if to much data is
received the device or the driver appears to hang. I am guessing it is
the device as the RX led stops blinking.
So, what I am guessing is that the FTDI chip has a FIFO buffer that
once full stops receiving data. I am also guessing that the supplied
driver does not retrieve that data if it is not requested by an
application. It seems that once the buffer is full, the com port
cannot be opened. What I have found is that if I try re-opening the
com port straight away then the second time is successful. I can work
around that in my code, but I would prefer not to.
Has anyone seen this before? If so is there an easy work around? I
think the use of a circular buffer in the driver may solve the
problem. I would consider writing a new driver but alas, I have no
time at this stage.
The other problem is that if I restart the PC, and leave the serial
device connected, WinXP thinks it has found a new serial mouse. I did
note some info on the FTDI site that may be useful, but have not
really looked into it a great deal. I was hoping that someone else may
have seen these problems before. The latter issue seems to occur in
any USB-232 convertor that I have used.
PC. Whilst being a fairly good device, I still have found a few
problems which others may have experienced.
The main problem is that I am dealing with serial devices that
continuously transmit data. With the FTDI chip, if to much data is
received the device or the driver appears to hang. I am guessing it is
the device as the RX led stops blinking.
So, what I am guessing is that the FTDI chip has a FIFO buffer that
once full stops receiving data. I am also guessing that the supplied
driver does not retrieve that data if it is not requested by an
application. It seems that once the buffer is full, the com port
cannot be opened. What I have found is that if I try re-opening the
com port straight away then the second time is successful. I can work
around that in my code, but I would prefer not to.
Has anyone seen this before? If so is there an easy work around? I
think the use of a circular buffer in the driver may solve the
problem. I would consider writing a new driver but alas, I have no
time at this stage.
The other problem is that if I restart the PC, and leave the serial
device connected, WinXP thinks it has found a new serial mouse. I did
note some info on the FTDI site that may be useful, but have not
really looked into it a great deal. I was hoping that someone else may
have seen these problems before. The latter issue seems to occur in
any USB-232 convertor that I have used.