Robert Willy
I am still new on Verilog when I read the below code, which is downloaded
from the web. 'width' is a parameter of the CIC filter wordlength. I think
the width is 18, as '18' in CIC_tb overwrite '12' in CIC module.
When I simulated in Modelsim, I want to increase the CIC module width from
18 to 20. I find that Modelsim only shows CIC_tb is modified. I can only
compile CIC_tb to get the project updated (without compiling CIC). This
puzzles me a lot, as I don't think CIC module can automatically be updated
to width 20 with only parameter in CIC_tb.v changed.
Can you explain it to me?
Great thanks to you.
module CIC_tb;
reg clk;
reg rst;
reg [15:0] decimation_ratio;
reg signed [7:0] d_in, d_in0;
wire signed [7:0] d_out;
wire d_clk;
integer x_in, x_read, x_out;
CIC #(.width(18)) CIC(.clk(clk),
always #1 clk = ~clk;
always @(posedge d_clk)
clk <= 1'b0;
rst <= 1'b0;
decimation_ratio <= 16'd4;
d_in <= 13'b0;
d_in <= 40;
tmp <= 1'b0;
x_in <= $fopen("x.txt","r");
x_out <= $fopen("x_out.txt","w");
module CIC #(parameter width = 12)
(input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [15:0] decimation_ratio,
input wire [7:0] d_in,
output reg signed [7:0] d_out,
output reg d_clk);
reg signed [width-1:0] d_tmp, d_d_tmp;
I am still new on Verilog when I read the below code, which is downloaded
from the web. 'width' is a parameter of the CIC filter wordlength. I think
the width is 18, as '18' in CIC_tb overwrite '12' in CIC module.
When I simulated in Modelsim, I want to increase the CIC module width from
18 to 20. I find that Modelsim only shows CIC_tb is modified. I can only
compile CIC_tb to get the project updated (without compiling CIC). This
puzzles me a lot, as I don't think CIC module can automatically be updated
to width 20 with only parameter in CIC_tb.v changed.
Can you explain it to me?
Great thanks to you.
module CIC_tb;
reg clk;
reg rst;
reg [15:0] decimation_ratio;
reg signed [7:0] d_in, d_in0;
wire signed [7:0] d_out;
wire d_clk;
integer x_in, x_read, x_out;
CIC #(.width(18)) CIC(.clk(clk),
always #1 clk = ~clk;
always @(posedge d_clk)
clk <= 1'b0;
rst <= 1'b0;
decimation_ratio <= 16'd4;
d_in <= 13'b0;
d_in <= 40;
tmp <= 1'b0;
x_in <= $fopen("x.txt","r");
x_out <= $fopen("x_out.txt","w");
module CIC #(parameter width = 12)
(input wire clk,
input wire rst,
input wire [15:0] decimation_ratio,
input wire [7:0] d_in,
output reg signed [7:0] d_out,
output reg d_clk);
reg signed [width-1:0] d_tmp, d_d_tmp;