Does Synopsys DC support IEEE Std. 1364-2001(Verilog HDL)?


Peng Yu

The examples provided with Synopsys DC are in old format(IEEE Std.
1364-1995). Does Synopsys DC support IEEE Std. 1364-2001(Verilog HDL)?
I'd like to make a minor distinction...some of the
features you list were already supported in earlier releases
of Design_compiler (2000.11, 2001.08.) Verilog-2001 support
has been slow to come. Note that's true of all the CAD-
vendors, and not really a criticism of Synopsys.

"Alexander Gnusin" <> wrote in message
Starting from version 2002.05, HDL Compiler (Presto Verilog) supports
the following Verilog 2001 constructs:

Expanded ANSI C-style port declaration:
You can list port types and define parameters in the module statement:
module foo #(parameter WIDTH=4)
( bar [WIDTH-1:0] in, b [WIDTH-1:0] out);

Casting operators:
Allows sign control; preserves the value of the argument. Casting
operators are $signed(), $unsigned().

Parameter passing by name:
Allows setting parameters on subdesigns by parameter name; it is not
sensitive to number or declaration order of parameters. You need to
specify only the subset of parameters you want to set. For example,
mymod (.my_param1(1000)) my_instance(...);

Implicit event expression list:
makes always blocks sensitive to any variable read:

Signed/unsigned constants, parameters, nets, and registers
Example of signed nets:
module adder (input [2:0] a; input [2:0] b; output [3:0] z);
wire signed [2:0] x = a;
wire signed [2:0] y = b;
assign z = x - y; // This will result in a signed adder

Multidimensional arrays of variables or nets
reg [3:0] Z [0:3] [0:7] [0:3];
Variable part select addressing ([+:] and [-:] operators) Variable
part-select allows you to select a fixed-width group of bits from a
vector by using a variable base address.

Power Operator (**)
The ** power operator raises the value of its first operand to the
power of the second operand:
module m (a, z);
input [3:0] a;
output [7:0] x, y, z;
assign z = 2 ** a;
assign x = a ** 2;
assign y = b ** c // where b and c are constants

Arithmetic shift operators (<<< and >>>)
These operators allow you to shift an expression to the right or to
left and still maintain the sign of the value.

New compiler directives `ifndef, `elsif, `undef

Comma-separated sensitivity lists
Signals in the sensitivity list can be separated with commas.

Arrays of instances
This feature enables instantiations of modules that contain a range

Alexander Gnusin

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