Does anyone have spice models for MRF545/MRF544? Maybe from


Frank Moe

I am searching for spice models for MRF545 and MRF544.
Seems they are at least in the intusoft RF devices library.
But I do not have ICAP (I use Topspice).
Anyone have these models and could give them to me?
Best Regards
Frank Moe
Hello Frank,
you should try a search with Google with the following text.

mrf545 spice

Use the third link. Ok it's dead but click on "cache" there.
They have kept the data.

Best Regards,

"Frank Moe" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
I am searching for spice models for MRF545 and MRF544.
Seems they are at least in the intusoft RF devices library.
But I do not have ICAP (I use Topspice).
Anyone have these models and could give them to me?
Best Regards
Frank Moe
Hi Helmut,

thanks for the info, but I had found that before. This model uses
heavy caps in the subcircuit around the transistor model, so I think
it has been tweaked only for one single bias point. As I will have to
amplify also DC over a wide voltage range I might need a better
matched model...

Anyone here have the Intusoft library?
Frank Moe wrote...
I am searching for spice models for MRF545 and MRF544.
Seems they are at least in the intusoft RF devices library.
But I do not have ICAP (I use Topspice).
Anyone have these models and could give them to me?
..SUBCKT MRF545 1 2 3
LC 1 4 0.905E-9
LB 2 6 0.237E-9
LE 5 3 2.789E-9
CC 4 3 1.068E-12
CB 4 6 0.548E-12
Q1 4 6 5 QR96
..MODEL QR96 PNP ( BF=77 VAF=40 VAR=5.6 RC=1.06 RB=1.10
+RE=0.592 IKF=2.80E-01 ISE=3.60E-14 TF=4.747E-11
+TR=3.42E-09 ITF=6.65E-02 VTF=2.31E+01 CJC=4.646E-12
+CJE=63.84E-12 XTI=3.0 NE=1.5 ISC=1.20E-14 EG=1.11 PTF=25
+XTB=1.5 BR=2.00 VJC=0.75 VJE=0.75 IS=4.00E-15
+MJC=0.33 MJE=0.33 XTF=4.0 IKR=2.80E-01 KF=1.0E-15
+NC=1.7 FC=0.50 RBM=0.81 IRB=4.00E-02 XCJC=0.561 )

I assume you already have the datasheet s-parameters.

- Win
Winfield Hill <hill_a@t_rowland-dotties-harvard-dot.s-edu> wrote in message news:<>...
Frank Moe wrote...

I am searching for spice models for MRF545 and MRF544.
Seems they are at least in the intusoft RF devices library.
But I do not have ICAP (I use Topspice).
Anyone have these models and could give them to me?

.SUBCKT MRF545 1 2 3
LC 1 4 0.905E-9
LB 2 6 0.237E-9
LE 5 3 2.789E-9
CC 4 3 1.068E-12
CB 4 6 0.548E-12
Q1 4 6 5 QR96
.MODEL QR96 PNP ( BF=77 VAF=40 VAR=5.6 RC=1.06 RB=1.10
+RE=0.592 IKF=2.80E-01 ISE=3.60E-14 TF=4.747E-11
+TR=3.42E-09 ITF=6.65E-02 VTF=2.31E+01 CJC=4.646E-12
+CJE=63.84E-12 XTI=3.0 NE=1.5 ISC=1.20E-14 EG=1.11 PTF=25
+XTB=1.5 BR=2.00 VJC=0.75 VJE=0.75 IS=4.00E-15
+MJC=0.33 MJE=0.33 XTF=4.0 IKR=2.80E-01 KF=1.0E-15
+NC=1.7 FC=0.50 RBM=0.81 IRB=4.00E-02 XCJC=0.561 )

I assume you already have the datasheet s-parameters.

many thanks for your help!
Is this the Intusoft model?
Do you also have the 544 model?

I do not have s-parameters as I have no original data sheet. Only the
datasheet of the substitutes from the other manufacturers...

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