The voltage from my generator drooped so much that a 3500 watt
generator would no longer start a 1/4 hp motor. So I opened up the
back of the generator and removed the voltage regulator so I could see
the part number. Upon removal I see the ubiquitous bulged electrolytic
capacitor. All the electronics are are potted into the reg case but
the bad cap protrudes from the potting compound by about 5/8". Today I
ordered a new reg but I am thinking that since the bad cap sticks up
so far why not just remove the contents of the cap and peel the can
out of the potting compound, thereby exposing the cap leads. Then just
solder a new cap to the old leads or even directly to the circuit
board if I can get to it. I think that I will end needing to solder a
couple wires to the old leads and then solder the cap to the wires
though. If this turns out to be the case will having the cap connected
to wires that may end up being about 6 inches long be a problem? The
cap in question is 220 MFD 250 volt. I will be replacing it with one
that has a higher voltage rating.
generator would no longer start a 1/4 hp motor. So I opened up the
back of the generator and removed the voltage regulator so I could see
the part number. Upon removal I see the ubiquitous bulged electrolytic
capacitor. All the electronics are are potted into the reg case but
the bad cap protrudes from the potting compound by about 5/8". Today I
ordered a new reg but I am thinking that since the bad cap sticks up
so far why not just remove the contents of the cap and peel the can
out of the potting compound, thereby exposing the cap leads. Then just
solder a new cap to the old leads or even directly to the circuit
board if I can get to it. I think that I will end needing to solder a
couple wires to the old leads and then solder the cap to the wires
though. If this turns out to be the case will having the cap connected
to wires that may end up being about 6 inches long be a problem? The
cap in question is 220 MFD 250 volt. I will be replacing it with one
that has a higher voltage rating.