Documentation and manuals for Quatus 3.0...


Kelvin @ SG

Being using Quatus 3 for few hours...Compiled a USB phy and a DES without
any problem, but
where are the manuals for Quatus 3? I used XST user manual/Development
system reference/
Constraints Guide/Libraries Guide/Synthesis & sim user guide in Xilinx
ISE...what are their
equivalent manuals in Altera?

Hi Kelvin,

If you are new to Quartus II and want a quick description of the
capabilities present in the Quartus II tool, read the Quartus II Manual
first. The manual is available at:

Before reading the Quartus II Handbook you may want to look at the Quartus
Online demos. These links will point you to the movie piece (listed under
the Self running Documentation column for each topic) as well as the
relevant section in the Quartus II handbook (under the Documentation column
for each topic). These require a browser and are available at:

The Quartus II Handbook addresses, how to use the Quartus II tools for
design entry, synthesis, place and route, simulation, timing analysis,
device programming , and interfacingwith other EDA tools like Modelsim, VCS,
Synplify. Sections 7 and 8 of the Quartus II Handbook should address most of
your questions about Quartus Integrated synthesis for VHDL and Verilog. This
handbook document is located at:

A quick summary of Quartus II and the Xilinx tools is available at:

Finally if you are familiar with the Xilinx flow, read App Note 307, about
how to convert a Xilinx design into Altera. It has examples how to convert
designs constraints and with with Coregen modules (e.g. memory, dll's,
multipliers, DDR designs ...). It also covers the command line tools for
synthesis, place and route and timing analysis and their switches for the
equivalent Quartus II tools, quartus_map, quartus_fit, quartus_tan. App Note
307 is available at:

Hope this helps.

- Subroto Datta
Altera Corp.

"Kelvin @ SG" <> wrote in message
Being using Quatus 3 for few hours...Compiled a USB phy and a DES without
any problem, but
where are the manuals for Quatus 3? I used XST user manual/Development
system reference/
Constraints Guide/Libraries Guide/Synthesis & sim user guide in Xilinx
ISE...what are their
equivalent manuals in Altera?


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