I've got a Fluke 189 DMM. The banana jack inputs are getting flaky.
With the probes or input pushed up or down they sometimes loose continuity.
I opened it up and looked at the solder joints... they look fine.
The banana jacks are encased in plastic so it's hard to see exactly.
I tried squeezing them in some, it's maybe a bit better, but no one
wants even a bit of flaky in their test gear. Any ideas? (about how I might
fix it.)
George H.
With the probes or input pushed up or down they sometimes loose continuity.
I opened it up and looked at the solder joints... they look fine.
The banana jacks are encased in plastic so it's hard to see exactly.
I tried squeezing them in some, it's maybe a bit better, but no one
wants even a bit of flaky in their test gear. Any ideas? (about how I might
fix it.)
George H.