DIY Home alarm system.

Hi all,

I'm wanting to install a home alarm system myself and thought
that the Ness D8 system would fit the bill nicely and an Australian
company to boot.

After making some enquiries to their state office here in
Brisbane was warned off installing one myself with - me not being a
licensed cable dragger. Apparently there are hefty fines imposed on
someone installing their own alarm system without the appropriate(?)
paperwork as to ones qualifications in this area?!? Is this the case?
if it is a law - who else is doing their own thing (and probably a
better job) here in QLD? Alas the world's turning a bit crazy in this
I've been an electronics tech for twenty years or so and I've
just been ordered, through work, to do the 'this is how you wire a
three pin plug' course because it's law.

All the wiring was done by yours truly when the house was
being built (along with networking).

Any comments would be appreciated. Also where in Brissy sells
these to the public at a good price?

- Rob.

BTW Dick Smith seems to be selling a lot of stuff off cheap at the
moment - I picked up Ness Dual PIR/Microwave sensors for $29 each!!
(Cat L5023) but they don't show on the DS computer system - so you'll
have to go on a Dick Smith crawl/phone around to find them.
I'd be very surprised if it was illegal to install your own alarm, even in
Queensland. The wiring for the Ness alarm is all 12 volts no dangerous
voltages. I installed one of these units, piece of cake. Sounds like
someone trying to drum up work for their installers. If you can't get them
in Brissy, try Radio Parts in Melbourne. I'm sure they'll ship to
Queensland after taking your Visa details over the phone.


Alf Katz

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Unbeliever wrote:

I'd be very surprised if it was illegal to install your own alarm, even in
Queensland. The wiring for the Ness alarm is all 12 volts no dangerous
voltages. I installed one of these units, piece of cake. Sounds like
someone trying to drum up work for their installers. If you can't get them
in Brissy, try Radio Parts in Melbourne. I'm sure they'll ship to
Queensland after taking your Visa details over the phone.


Alf Katz
These are the guidelines for cabling providers

As long as the alarm system is NOT connected to the telecommunications
network you can do your own installation. If the alarm system is
subsequently connected to the telecommunications network, and the system
is not of an approved type or was not installed by a registered cabling
provider, then it can be deemed an illegal installation and the
owner/installer subject to a penalty.

Ross H wrote:

Hi all,

I'm wanting to install a home alarm system myself and thought
that the Ness D8 system would fit the bill nicely and an Australian
company to boot.

After making some enquiries to their state office here in
Brisbane was warned off installing one myself with - me not being a
licensed cable dragger. Apparently there are hefty fines imposed on
someone installing their own alarm system without the appropriate(?)
paperwork as to ones qualifications in this area?!? Is this the case?
if it is a law - who else is doing their own thing (and probably a
better job) here in QLD? Alas the world's turning a bit crazy in this
I've been an electronics tech for twenty years or so and I've
just been ordered, through work, to do the 'this is how you wire a
three pin plug' course because it's law.

All the wiring was done by yours truly when the house was
being built (along with networking).

Any comments would be appreciated. Also where in Brissy sells
these to the public at a good price?

- Rob.

BTW Dick Smith seems to be selling a lot of stuff off cheap at the
moment - I picked up Ness Dual PIR/Microwave sensors for $29 each!!
(Cat L5023) but they don't show on the DS computer system - so you'll
have to go on a Dick Smith crawl/phone around to find them.
What is wrong with the $100.00 Arlec wireless system?
That can't need a license and even if it required some modifications
it has to be cheaper and easier than the alternatives.
<> wrote in message

I'm wanting to install a home alarm system myself
and thought that the Ness D8 system would fit the
bill nicely and an Australian company to boot.

After making some enquiries to their state office here in
Brisbane was warned off installing one myself with - me not being a
licensed cable dragger. Apparently there are hefty fines imposed on
someone installing their own alarm system without the appropriate(?)
paperwork as to ones qualifications in this area?!? Is this the case?
Not if its not connected to the phone system.

if it is a law - who else is doing their own thing
(and probably a better job) here in QLD?
Heaps have done it with phone extensions for years now.

Alas the world's turning a bit crazy in this area.
Taint 'the world', just another local terminal stupidity.

I've been an electronics tech for twenty years or so and
I've just been ordered, through work, to do the 'this is
how you wire a three pin plug' course because it's law.
In Qld, anyway. Just another terminal stupidity.

All the wiring was done by yours truly when the
house was being built (along with networking).
Me too. Got an electrician to claim he did it.

Any comments would be appreciated.
Just ignore the wankers, like you did when you built the house.

Also where in Brissy sells these to the public at a good price?

- Rob.

BTW Dick Smith seems to be selling a lot of stuff off cheap at the
moment - I picked up Ness Dual PIR/Microwave sensors for $29 each!!
(Cat L5023) but they don't show on the DS computer system - so you'll
have to go on a Dick Smith crawl/phone around to find them.
On Thu, 23 Oct 2003 07:10 pm, wrote:

I'm wanting to install a home alarm system myself and thought
that the Ness D8 system would fit the bill nicely and an Australian
company to boot.
Installed a D8 myself about 2 months ago. Very nice ppl in here helped with
a half doz. or so questions/issues I had. In hindsight, easy stuff really

All the wiring was done by yours truly when the house was
being built (along with networking).
Same scenario with me .. 6 core telephone wire I used.

Any comments would be appreciated. Also where in Brissy sells
these to the public at a good price?
Go fo it .. you won't be disappointed. A great system, and not a single
false alarm for me in 2 mths (the cat's indoors most day's too and I have
Pet Aware Dual PIR's).

As someone earlier stated, Radio Parts ( in Melb will
deliver .. I'm local so got it direct. They had the best pricing by at
least a $150 or so (spend $1,300 all up on mine).

<> wrote in message
Hi all,

I'm wanting to install a home alarm system myself and thought
that the Ness D8 system would fit the bill nicely and an Australian
company to boot.

After making some enquiries to their state office here in
Brisbane was warned off installing one myself with - me not being a
licensed cable dragger. Apparently there are hefty fines imposed on
someone installing their own alarm system without the appropriate(?)
paperwork as to ones qualifications in this area?!? Is this the case?
if it is a law - who else is doing their own thing (and probably a
better job) here in QLD? Alas the world's turning a bit crazy in this
I've been an electronics tech for twenty years or so and I've
just been ordered, through work, to do the 'this is how you wire a
three pin plug' course because it's law.

All the wiring was done by yours truly when the house was
being built (along with networking).

Any comments would be appreciated. Also where in Brissy sells
these to the public at a good price?

- Rob.

BTW Dick Smith seems to be selling a lot of stuff off cheap at the
moment - I picked up Ness Dual PIR/Microwave sensors for $29 each!!
(Cat L5023) but they don't show on the DS computer system - so you'll
have to go on a Dick Smith crawl/phone around to find them.
I think everyone has answered your questions nicely! I am a licensed alarm
installer/technician her in NSW, but I haven't bothered to get the ACA cable
providers registration (no work to justify financial cost!!), which means I
can install/wire any alarm system EXCEPT for the part that connects the
alarm to the telephone system, unless I am supervised by a licensed cabling

So, if you're not connecting the alarm to the phone line, then the cabling
licence part doesn't apply. In NSW, you need a security licence if you are
installing systems for others for financial reward, etc. I don't recall any
law that prevents you installing your own alarm in your own house.

I'd imagine Qld is similar (maybe??)



- KARAOKE is Japanese for tone deaf.

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