Dividing By Two


Chip Hollis

Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.
"Chip Hollis" <notat@hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.

A 7490 contains a divide by two counter and a divide by five counter. As for
the divide by two counter the input is on pin 14 and the output on pin 12.
Of course you will have to satisfy the preset and clear inputs 2,3,6 and 7.
Keep them low. It's also good practice to keep the unused inputs at a fixed
value. So keep pin 1 high, preferrable via a 10k resistor just to stay on
the safe side. All of this can be checked by reading the data sheet. A
little Google and you know all you need and more.


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Chip Hollis wrote:
Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.

have a look at
Beginners and Intermediate Electronics
In article <bl0m4n$6tjup$1@ID-43450.news.uni-berlin.de>,
notat@hotmail.com says...

Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.
Using a DECADE counter to divide by two? Talk about overkill...

All you need is a D-type flip-flop. A 7474 will do nicely. Simply
wire the Q-not output to the 'D' input, send your input to the CLK lead,
and take your output from the Q output. Simple, neat, reliable.

73 de KC7GR

Dr. Anton Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing Institute
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR)
kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t c&o&m
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (Red Green)
I had a few 7490s lying around, but next time I'll keep this
in mind. Thanks.

Dr. Anton Squeegee wrote in message ...
In article <bl0m4n$6tjup$1@ID-43450.news.uni-berlin.de>,
notat@hotmail.com says...

Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.

Using a DECADE counter to divide by two? Talk about

All you need is a D-type flip-flop. A 7474 will do nicely.
wire the Q-not output to the 'D' input, send your input to
the CLK lead,
and take your output from the Q output. Simple, neat,

73 de KC7GR

Dr. Anton Squeegee, Director, Dutch Surrealist Plumbing
(Known to some as Bruce Lane, KC7GR)
kyrrin a/t bluefeathertech d-o=t c&o&m
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati" (Red Green)
Thanks, Pieter.

petrus bitbyter wrote in message ...
"Chip Hollis" <notat@hotmail.com> schreef in bericht
Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.


A 7490 contains a divide by two counter and a divide by five
counter. As for
the divide by two counter the input is on pin 14 and the
output on pin 12.
Of course you will have to satisfy the preset and clear
inputs 2,3,6 and 7.
Keep them low. It's also good practice to keep the unused
inputs at a fixed
value. So keep pin 1 high, preferrable via a 10k resistor
just to stay on
the safe side. All of this can be checked by reading the data
sheet. A
little Google and you know all you need and more.


Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.519 / Virus Database: 317 - Release Date:
"Chip Hollis" <notat@hotmail.com> wrote in message
Can someone tell me how to wire a 7490 decade counter to
divide by two? I can't seem to find a schematic anywhere.
You can download the manufacturers specification sheet from rswww.com.
You'll have to register, but that's free. Just follow the products to the
7490, and click on the tech info tab. You'll get a choice of half a dozen
manufacturers data sheets.

I use RS this way for getting info all the time. They are also an excellent
source of parts and, although located in the UK, will ship transatlantic at
very low cost.

There's also a very good explanation of the whole thing in "The Art of
Electronics, by Horowitz and Hill, which should be available in the
technical reference section of any central library close to you.

If all else fails, e-mail me and I'll scan the relevant pages and send them
to you.


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