Dispensing solutions for compounds?



I have been chasing round pharmacists after work trying to get /one/
syringe and needle to dispense heat sink.
Blinking flip what a hassle.
The cheek of the woman at the Pharmacists at City Hospital "You'll have
to wait for the needle exchange"
Wouldn't need to be diabetic or anything!
Heavens sake I can get them by the pallet load but only wanting one.

Ended up opening up a sharps bin, taking a junkies needle out and
sterilising it (I bl**dy hope it's sterilised) myself to get the repair

Any tips for dispensers for heatsink and other compounds that get
everywhere (like copa-slip) which don't involve stroppy shop assistants
or buying more than one needs.
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Z wrote:
I have been chasing round pharmacists after work trying to get one
syringe and needle to dispense heat sink.
Blinking flip what a hassle.
The cheek of the woman at the Pharmacists at City Hospital "You'll have
to wait for the needle exchange"
Wouldn't need to be diabetic or anything!
Heavens sake I can get them by the pallet load but only wanting one.

Ended up opening up a sharps bin, taking a junkies needle out and
sterilising it (I bl**dy hope it's sterilised) myself to get the repair

Any  tips for dispensers for heatsink and other compounds that get
everywhere (like copa-slip) which don't involve stroppy shop assistants
or buying more than one needs.
Pharmacists have medicine dispensing syringes (without the sharps) that
they'll usually give you if you ask nicely.  

If you really need the sharp, a diabetic friend should be able to fix you

John Miller
Email address: domain, n4vu.com; username, jsm

Is it weird in here, or is it just me?
                -- Steven Wright
On Thu, 20 May 2004 23:14:32 GMT, John Miller hath writ:
Z wrote:
I have been chasing round pharmacists after work trying to get one
syringe and needle to dispense heat sink.
Blinking flip what a hassle.
The cheek of the woman at the Pharmacists at City Hospital "You'll have
to wait for the needle exchange"
Wouldn't need to be diabetic or anything!
Heavens sake I can get them by the pallet load but only wanting one.

Ended up opening up a sharps bin, taking a junkies needle out and
sterilising it (I bl**dy hope it's sterilised) myself to get the repair

Any  tips for dispensers for heatsink and other compounds that get
everywhere (like copa-slip) which don't involve stroppy shop assistants
or buying more than one needs.

Pharmacists have medicine dispensing syringes (without the sharps) that
they'll usually give you if you ask nicely.  

If you really need the sharp, a diabetic friend should be able to fix you
Out here in the Wild, Wild West in the U.S.ofA., many hardware stores,
and most feed stores have veterinary supplies -- which usually include
syringes. Some -- because we are dealing with horses, cows, and the
odd bull elk or moose -- come with big, honkin' needles -- somewhere
around 12-14 ga. (wire) or so.

The all-plastic medicine despensing syringes (as mentioned above) can
be found there, too -- as well as at vet clinics.

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