I had a breaker that was humming and would stop when I pushed on it.
So, I replaced it but, the humming got louder (like there was
something definitely wrong) and there was no sound level deviation
when I pushed on it. It seamed clearly that the noise was now coming
from the door bell transformer. If I held the door bell transformer
the noise would diminish although still evident. Since the door bell
is not being used I disconnected the black wire that came from the
breaker I had just replaced, put a marret on it and the noise
stopped. My question is, is this sufficient and safe or should I also
disconnect the white wire that is connecting to the bar above the
I had a breaker that was humming and would stop when I pushed on it.
So, I replaced it but, the humming got louder (like there was
something definitely wrong) and there was no sound level deviation
when I pushed on it. It seamed clearly that the noise was now coming
from the door bell transformer. If I held the door bell transformer
the noise would diminish although still evident. Since the door bell
is not being used I disconnected the black wire that came from the
breaker I had just replaced, put a marret on it and the noise
stopped. My question is, is this sufficient and safe or should I also
disconnect the white wire that is connecting to the bar above the