Clint Sharp
In message <00ac1a4d$0$12992$c3e8da3@news.astraweb.com>, John Doe
<jdoe@usenetlove.invalid> writes
HDQ meant in the context of Lithium batteries. Took less time to find
out than it did for you to start a flame war.
trying it out. FWIW, that paragraph tells you enough about HDQ for you
to realise it's likely not what's on your battery unless it's got a
*very* smart charger.
Season's greetings, perhaps you could let some of the spirit of the
season infuse you with some goodwill towards fellow men?
Clint Sharp
<jdoe@usenetlove.invalid> writes
found a document that explained enough for me to have a good idea whatClint Sharp <clint clintsmc.demon.co.uk> wrote:
First hit on Google for HDQ interface tells you. JFGI.
In other words, you do not know either...
Well, frankly, no, I didn't but 10 seconds work with Google and I'd
HDQ meant in the context of Lithium batteries. Took less time to find
out than it did for you to start a flame war.
temperature sensor or even a simple fuel gauge IC.The only chip in the small circuit between the battery and the
light bulb is a voltage reference (TL431 I think).
Doubt it's a TL431. Doubt it's a voltage reference at all. More likely a
spending time abusing people trying to help you, you might considerSo the output
of that third pin is not some streaming data signal. It must be
either a simple voltage level or a digital 1/0.
Or, perhaps, if it's a digital I/O it could be a streaming data signal?
Here is the first paragraph from the first "HDQ interface" hit
on Google.
TI: HDQ communication basics This report compares the
communication timing specifications for the different battery gas
gauge and battery monitor products. It discusses some of the
interface requirements necessary for robust HDQ communication,
such as the need for a break prior to each communication, how to
reliably read 16bit dynamic values over the 8bit bus, and the need
for some noise filtering on the HDQ line. It also discusses the
firmware strategy required for implementing the HDQ interface
using a discrete I/O port and describes the popular option of
using a UART to handle the HDQ bit timing requirement...
Good oh, so you do know how to use Google. Perhaps next time instead of
trying it out. FWIW, that paragraph tells you enough about HDQ for you
to realise it's likely not what's on your battery unless it's got a
*very* smart charger.
Season's greetings, perhaps you could let some of the spirit of the
season infuse you with some goodwill towards fellow men?
Clint Sharp