Direct Coupled Transmission Line filter in LTspice...


Simon S Aysdie

I had never tried it in spice. I tried direct coupled first because I didn\'t really know what I was doing with the LTspice transmission line.

But this much seems to work just fine. It is very idealistic. I was checking some math with a circuit simulator.

Version 4
SHEET 1 6120 3588
WIRE -240 -672 -320 -672
WIRE 432 -672 -240 -672
WIRE 800 -672 432 -672
WIRE 1056 -672 896 -672
WIRE 1344 -672 1056 -672
WIRE 1600 -672 1440 -672
WIRE 1856 -672 1600 -672
WIRE 2112 -672 1952 -672
WIRE 3056 -672 2112 -672
WIRE 3104 -672 3056 -672
WIRE 1056 -544 1056 -672
WIRE 1184 -544 1152 -544
WIRE 1600 -544 1600 -672
WIRE 1728 -544 1696 -544
WIRE -240 -528 -240 -672
WIRE 432 -528 432 -672
WIRE 560 -528 528 -528
WIRE 2112 -528 2112 -672
WIRE 2240 -528 2208 -528
WIRE 3056 -512 3056 -672
WIRE -240 -288 -240 -448
WIRE 432 -288 432 -496
WIRE 432 -288 -240 -288
WIRE 528 -288 528 -496
WIRE 528 -288 432 -288
WIRE 560 -288 560 -528
WIRE 560 -288 528 -288
WIRE 800 -288 800 -640
WIRE 800 -288 560 -288
WIRE 896 -288 896 -640
WIRE 896 -288 800 -288
WIRE 1056 -288 1056 -512
WIRE 1056 -288 896 -288
WIRE 1152 -288 1152 -512
WIRE 1152 -288 1056 -288
WIRE 1184 -288 1184 -544
WIRE 1184 -288 1152 -288
WIRE 1344 -288 1344 -640
WIRE 1344 -288 1184 -288
WIRE 1440 -288 1440 -640
WIRE 1440 -288 1344 -288
WIRE 1600 -288 1600 -512
WIRE 1600 -288 1440 -288
WIRE 1696 -288 1696 -512
WIRE 1696 -288 1600 -288
WIRE 1728 -288 1728 -544
WIRE 1728 -288 1696 -288
WIRE 1856 -288 1856 -640
WIRE 1856 -288 1728 -288
WIRE 1952 -288 1952 -640
WIRE 1952 -288 1856 -288
WIRE 2112 -288 2112 -496
WIRE 2112 -288 1952 -288
WIRE 2208 -288 2208 -496
WIRE 2208 -288 2112 -288
WIRE 2240 -288 2240 -528
WIRE 2240 -288 2208 -288
WIRE 3056 -288 3056 -432
WIRE 3056 -288 2240 -288
WIRE -240 -240 -240 -288
WIRE 3056 -240 3056 -288
FLAG -240 -240 0
FLAG 3056 -240 0
FLAG 3104 -672 OUT_00
IOPIN 3104 -672 Out
FLAG -320 -672 IN_00
IOPIN -320 -672 In
SYMBOL res 3040 -528 R0
SYMATTR InstName R_load00
SYMATTR Value {Rload00}
SYMBOL voltage -240 -544 R0
WINDOW 0 25 23 Left 2
WINDOW 3 25 93 Left 2
WINDOW 123 36 64 Left 2
WINDOW 39 27 106 Left 2
SYMATTR InstName Vsrc00
SYMATTR Value \"\"
SYMATTR SpiceLine Rser={Rsrc00}
SYMBOL tline 480 -512 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=34.978090
SYMBOL tline 848 -656 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=42.298083
SYMBOL tline 1104 -528 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=34.978090
SYMBOL tline 1392 -656 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=44.346961
SYMBOL tline 1648 -528 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=34.978090
SYMBOL tline 1904 -656 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=42.298083
SYMBOL tline 2160 -512 R0
SYMATTR Value Td=4.1667e-11 Z0=34.978090
TEXT -200 -976 Left 2 !.ac lin 5001 1e9 11e9
TEXT -192 -904 Left 2 ;Save only S-Parameters. It\'s not really necessary.
TEXT -192 -1016 Left 2 ;AC Sweep Range
TEXT -1312 -2784 Left 2 ;o
TEXT 5416 1528 Left 2 ;o
TEXT 504 -1064 Left 2 !.net I(R_load00) Vsrc00 ; Rsrc & R_load determined from Vsrc and R_load
TEXT -200 -864 Left 2 !.SAVE S11(vsrc00) S21(vsrc00) S12(vsrc00) S22(vsrc00)
TEXT 504 -1152 Left 2 !.param Rsrc00 = 50
TEXT 504 -1112 Left 2 !.param Rload00=50
On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:47:15 -0700 (PDT), Simon S Aysdie
<> wrote:

I had never tried it in spice. I tried direct coupled first because I didn\'t really know what I was doing with the LTspice transmission line.

But this much seems to work just fine. It is very idealistic. I was checking some math with a circuit simulator.

That\'s cool. How did you design it?

What\'s the alternative to direct coupled?
On Thursday, March 16, 2023 at 4:03:22 PM UTC-7, John Larkin wrote:
On Thu, 16 Mar 2023 15:47:15 -0700 (PDT), Simon S Aysdie> wrote:

I had never tried it in spice. I tried direct coupled first because I didn\'t really know what I was doing with the LTspice transmission line.

But this much seems to work just fine. It is very idealistic. I was checking some math with a circuit simulator.

That\'s cool. How did you design it?

What\'s the alternative to direct coupled?

I designed it mainly by following Daniels† and Minnis‡. The filter has one transmission zero (TZ) at dc and 3 unit elements (UE). With the Richards transformation, the UE are \"half-order TZs\" on the real axis at ±1. I used Kuroda transforms to turn the one dc TZ into the 4 equal shunt L. (Those are the shunt transmission lines.) That procedure makes the line impedances more practical.

The \"dual\" would have series caps, which ends up meaning it would be a parallel-coupled (edge-coupled for PCB/planer) design. The caps require a different set of Kuroda xforms. \"Edge coupled\" has no ground via registration issue.

I am not sure LTspice can do coupled lines which is needed for the dual. There is the .\\examples\\Educational\\TransmissionLineInverter.asc helper file example that may help me get a coupled pair, if I can understand it, which I presently do not. I have AWR available, so I am just messing with LTspice out of curiousity.

I was doing some math checking on an intentionally \"simple example\" because the combination of ±1 TZ of the UE affects the s21 phase, but not magnitude. The ±1 TZ UE combo does not affect the driving point immittance that the circuit is extracted from (at all). I found that interesting. I also used Filsyn for checking and affirming realization and the Kuroda xforms. This \"bandpass\" is actually a highpass filter that innately becomes bandpass because of the periodicity. The Filsyn transfer function output (rational/polynomial coefficients) for distributed HPF is quite badly wrong.

† R. Daniels, Approximation Methods for Electronic Filter Design. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1974.
‡ B. J. Minnis, Designing Microwave Circuits by Exact Synthesis. Norwood, MA: Artech House, 1996.

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