Terry Given
I often use diode-connected npn and pnp transistors. Sometimes I use the
base-emitter junction reverse-breakdown as a (somewhat dodgy) zener,
sometimes I use them as diodes. When used as a diode, I can either use
the c-b junction (b shorted to e) or the b-e junction (b shorted to c).
Here are my questions:
1. Which configuration has the lowest capacitance ?
2. which configuration has the lowest leakage current?
In a more general sense, what are the pros and cons of either
connection? Using say bc547 and bc557 transistors.
base-emitter junction reverse-breakdown as a (somewhat dodgy) zener,
sometimes I use them as diodes. When used as a diode, I can either use
the c-b junction (b shorted to e) or the b-e junction (b shorted to c).
Here are my questions:
1. Which configuration has the lowest capacitance ?
2. which configuration has the lowest leakage current?
In a more general sense, what are the pros and cons of either
connection? Using say bc547 and bc557 transistors.