In order to generate hexadecimal Digital Root of a number (i.e,
sum-of-hexdigits until it reduces to a single hex number - a nibble)
For e.g 0x123a = 0x1 + 0x2 +0x3 +0xa = 0x10 = 0x1 + 0x0 = 1 is the
hex digital root of (0x123a)
I am planning to use tree of 4-bit Carry-Look-Ahead adders with the
Cout fed into Cin of the same CLA.
Question: Can I directly fed back the Cout signal to Cin at each CLA
to get the Digital Root . Will it not form a combinational loop? Due
to feedback will it affect the next level CLA's o/p.
In order to generate hexadecimal Digital Root of a number (i.e,
sum-of-hexdigits until it reduces to a single hex number - a nibble)
For e.g 0x123a = 0x1 + 0x2 +0x3 +0xa = 0x10 = 0x1 + 0x0 = 1 is the
hex digital root of (0x123a)
I am planning to use tree of 4-bit Carry-Look-Ahead adders with the
Cout fed into Cin of the same CLA.
Question: Can I directly fed back the Cout signal to Cin at each CLA
to get the Digital Root . Will it not form a combinational loop? Due
to feedback will it affect the next level CLA's o/p.